“Rabbits are very misunderstood animals,” says Marie Mead, creator of celebratingrabbits.com and author of the upcoming book Rabbits: Gentle Hearts, Valiant Spirits—Inspirational Stories of Rescue, Triumph, and Joy (Nova Maris Press, Spring 2007, $18.95). “They are extremely sensitive, intuitive, and gentle creatures who require extensive attention and mature guardianship—something many people don’t realize when they purchase a baby bunny. It’s a very sad fact that most rabbits don’t even enjoy a year of happiness with their new caretakers. Instead of living out their normal lifespan¬¬––eight to 12 years––they often die within the first year of life.
“Many rabbits are injured or become ill due to improper handling and care and, as a result, either die painful deaths or are euthanized,” says Mead. “Discarded bunnies overrun the animal shelters after Easter, resulting in many rabbits being euthanized due to space constraints and other factors.