Sometime before Wednesday morning, the little penguin had waddled about 100 metres up the beach, crossing a railway track and a road in the process and wandered into the Clark's front yard in West Ulverstone about three hours northwest of Hobart in Tasmania.
Garry Clark said when the front door was opened to let the dog out to the toilet, the penguin entered.
"The dog went out and a penguin came in," Mr Clark said.
"I was in getting ready for work and my son came in and said `Dad, there's a penguin in the lounge room'.
"I thought, `that can't be right'."
But a penguin in the lounge room there was, and a friendly one at that.
Mr Clark said the animal appeared quite comfortable and made no problem when it was picked up.
The penguin was popped in the bathtub with a little water for the day.
"We sat him in there and he splashed about in the water every now and again."
A bit of thawed salmon from the freezer did not tempt the penguin.
On advice from the Parks and Wildlife Service, the penguin remained in the tub until Wednesday evening.
Then the Clark family gathered it up and took it across to the beach to let it go.