You must enter COUPON CODE 1200160697 on your order form for $6.00 discount
Think of the millions of unwanted animals waiting for a family like yours.
Internet Pet Supplies appreciates and supports the dedication and concern for pets performed by Animal Welfare and Pet Rescue Organizations.
To show our support and willingness to help, we're offering FREE SHIPPING on any order delivered to a Pet Rescue, Shelter, or Animal Welfare Agency during the month of January, 2008.
Please encourage all your friends to visit and place an order at Internet Pet Supplies:
We have the highest quality USA rawhide treats and pet toys at the lowest prices on the Internet.
The following are some of our favorite pet rescues, animal welfare agencies and animal shelters. We will gladly add others, just let us know their URL or address.
Humane Society of Monroe County
MN/WI Italian Greyhound Rescue
Lost But Loved (LBL) Animal Rescue
Olive Branch Animal Rescue & Refuge, Inc.You must enter COUPON CODE 1200160697 on your order form for $6.00 discount