The Times Online reports that Paradise Wildlife Park in Hertfordshire allows customers to stroke with their fingers Rocky, a nine-year-old Siberian and Bengal tiger cross described as a “gentleman”. The park also permits customers to feed Narnia, a white tiger. Meat is held up to the bars so it can be pulled into the cage.
On their website, Paradise Wildlife Park clarifies: You actually get to spend the whole day "with Big Cat Keepers and discover just how much fun you can have looking after Lions, Tigers, Cheetahs, Jaguars and Snow Leopards. Assist the keepers and really get your hands dirty cleaning out enclosures and preparing food; something that is definitely not for the squeamish! After you have spent the morning pampering our felines you will hand feed one of our Big Cats, a truly memorable experience not to be missed. "
Wait, there's more. At Paradise Wildlife Park you can also handle a variety of non-venomous snakes, lizards and a tarantula spider ... or enter the lemur enclosure at feeding time ... or meet the meerkats and become a human climbing frame.
Sounds like fun!