Welcome to Peggy and Kelly's Wednesday Diet Tip! The weather has started to turn warm and springlike, and for me that means only one thing--ice cream! This could be my greatest dieting challenge. I love going out for soft ice cream cones (back home in Vermont we called them creamees.) But what are the options for those of us watching fat and calories?
Regular Vanilla soft serve frozen yogurt:
serving size 1/2 cup
calories 117, fat 4g, cholesterol 1 mg, sodium 63 mg, carbs 17.4 g, fiber 0, sugars 17.3 g, protein 2.9 g.
Only 8 Frozen Yogurt: Serving sice 1/2 cup
Calories 32, Fat 0, Sat Fat 0, Chol 0, Sodium 40mg, Carbs 7g, Fiber 0, Sugars 7g, Protien 1g.
Dole Whip: serving size 1/2 cup
Calories 90, Fat2.5 g, cholesterol 0, sodium 75 mg, carbs 17 g, fiber 0, sugars 13 g, protein o
Dippin' Dots No Sugar Added Fat Free Fudge, serving size 1/2 cup
calories 92, fat 0, cholesterol 2 mg, sodium 95 mg, carbs 18 g, fiber 0, sugar 7 g, protein 4 g.
So c'mon and "weigh in"...what is your favorite low-fat/no fat/sugar free/light ice cream treat? Which are the healthiest, and what flavors do you find taste the best? Let us know!
Now, if only someone could come up with a delicious no-cal hot fudge sundae!