I'm always a fan of new and unique items that can help your pets. Tidy Cats has introduced a new kitty litter system that separates the solids from the liquids. This makes clean-up a 'breeze' and helps reduce odors since the liquids and solids are both easily removed.
Since I don't have any cats, a relative of mine (with 3) did the testing for me. The initial reviews on the Breeze system are good - It works like the company describes.
The litter box is a relatively attractive looking system, and can be placed where ever you would normally put your litter box. It's easy to set-up and comes with its own scooper.
Here's how it works: The cat does "#1" - the dehydrating pellets passes the urine to the "pee-pad" that sits underneath the litter. When your cat does #2, the odor absorbing pellets help control the smell, and then you can scoop away the solid waste and flush it or dispose of it how you wish. And, for the most part, the breeze litter pellets stay in the box, and don't get tracked all over the carpet like many other litters do!
Based on our trial - The pellets dry out the waste fairly quick and make scooping extremely easy. In fact, the pellets usually don't stick to the waste.
And for the pee-pads - It really does work to keep the urine smell down. Plus, the pads are easy to remove and replace, and if you do it on a regular basis, you'll have no drips or leakage.
Although you do have to replace the pads at least every week (more often if you have more cats), the litter can last from 2 - 4 weeks, saving you some hassle and maybe even some cost in the long run.
Remember, introducing a new litter system takes time. Not all 3 cats took to it right away. One is more daring and went for it with out much issue, but the other two weren't so sure. Don't force your cats, and check out their website for more information on the product, transitioning, and a fun, descriptive video on how the system works, http://www.breezeforcats.com/demoVideo.html