It's so much nicer to take Kelly on her walks when the weather is cool. Today a lovely 66 degrees with a breeze. Mmmmm.
Kelly and I are still working on weight loss. We each took off the initial bulk quickly, but now I need to lose about 10 lbs more, and Kelly is struggling to maintain what she lost. The eating habits are pretty much ingrained for each of us. But the exercise is a killer. The walks are crucial, yet every day I want to do anything to avoid them. Over the last month we haven't lost any weight, but--yippee!--we haven't gained either.
There's good news on my doggy diet book too. An agent was interested enough to ask for my proposal and sample chapters. And, my proposal is also with a major publisher now, and they said they too were interested. I'm hoping for some more news soon. Trying not to get my hopes up--anything can happen. I had a friend go through the book process with a publisher all the way to through editing, and in the end they changed their mind and decided not to publish the book. So there's no done deal until it's actually in print. Kelly and I are hoping, though!