My niece recently had a baby, her first child. I'm so excited for her... and for my "little" brother and sister in law--the new Grandpa and Grandma. (hehe!) I just love this photo my brother took of Michaela's little feet. It reminds me to look at every little part of a whole and marvel at how everything all works together, and what a miracle it all is.
Does this new life make me long for another baby, now that my kids are all grown up and flown the nest? Uh...no. I'm too tired! But it does make me look forward to the day I'll become a grandma. Not that I'm hurrying that or anything. But I can imagine the rewards in store when I look at the little offspring produced by my own offspring.
And, of course a grandchild will produce much fodder for new stories. I think I've about tapped out the Empty Nest angle! (If you subscribe, see my recent empty nest story in the current March/April issue of Angels on Earth, entitled "Message of the Falcon") Some day I'll be writing about how I feel too young to be a grandmother and how things have changed since my kids were babies. And there will be sure to be pictures too, of little feet, little fingers, and lots of little baby smiles.