A few days ago I was driving through my neighborhood and I noticed a lady in her back yard. There were two large, beautiful dogs in the yard with her as she walked around, talking on her cell phone. What caught my eye were the attitudes of the dogs. They were well behaved, but they were both totally focused on the woman, wagging their tails and obviously hoping for some of her attention. She, on the other hand, was totally focused on the conversation she was having, oblivious to them. It really pulled at my heartstrings as I wondered how often I do that with my pets. All they ask of me is to give them that little bit of attention each day...a pet, a hug, a smile and an occasional treat. I know that sometimes I get so busy with tasks around the home, phone calls and time on the computer that I let those moments get away from me. Today, I want to make it a goal to pay a little more attention, to appreciate their devotion and unconditional love and to take more time out of my day to thank them for their companionship. Better still, I want to remember what my life would be like without them and to remember to savor the time we share while it's here.