Spring is still a few days away, but I was thrilled to see these beautiful, green signs of life. This is early for upstate New York, where we still could get blanketed with snow well into April.
Walking outside today, bright and sunny (yet still a bit brisk) I couldn't help sing to myself this sappy little poem:
Spring has sprung
The grass has ris
I wonder where
The birdies is?
Yes, it's disturbingly ungrammatical. As a writer, I'm embarrassed to even acknowledge this ditty. But my mom always used to sing when the weather started to turn nice. It brings back sweet memories of being a child and welcoming the new season. So I can't help it, I still like it.
So for now I'm enjoying the sun and the 35 degree weather. Kelly, too, is outside romping around, staying out longer and longer. This is a beautiful sign of spring to come.