By Anna Lee
Dogs and cats are the most common pets that people own. There are, however, other pets out there sharing life with loving families. Although a snake would not be my first choice as a pet, there are many folks who own them. A pet is what you consider a pet to be, whether it is a pig, a cow, a horse, a hamster, a frog or a lizard. If you (or your children) take care of it, feed and interact with it, then it is a pet. Following are various pet facts for your reading pleasure.
Dogs bark to give a warning or an alarm. Dogs in the wild will bark as a means to send messages to the pack. Dogs bark when they are anxious, excited or when they are bored. They also bark to attract attention from humans. However, dogs do not bark when they attack. If you want a dog that does not bark, there is such a dog. It is the Basenji dog from the Congo. Although it doesn’t bark, it makes a yodeling sound that could possibly be more annoying than barking!
If your dog bays at the moon don’t let it upset you, it is just the dog’s natural urge to call the pack together. If your dog howls when you leave it home alone, turn on the TV or radio to keep it company.
If you’ve seen a scared dog run, you know that he puts his tail between his legs. A dog’s anal glands carry “personal” scents that can identify him or her. By putting the tail between the legs it is similar to a human covering his or her face in an effort to hide it.
Dogs pant to cool their bodies; they do not sweat like a human. Dogs take anywhere from 10-30 breaths a minute and their hearts beat between 70 and 100 times a minute, much more often than a human heart beats per minute.
The average dog has 42 teeth, which is more than I have! Now I have an urge to count Abby’s teeth. She is 11-1/2 and still has not lost one of her teeth. If you brush your dog’s teeth on a regular schedule the dog will get used to it, or so they say. A dog’s mouth can exert 150-200 pounds of pressure per square inch.
Did you know that two dogs survived the sinking Titanic? Dogs are mentioned 14 times in the Bible. One in three households own at least one dog, and the Labrador Retriever is the number one dog in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
There are an estimated 5 million cats in the world. The largest cat is called a Ragdoll, with the male weighing up to 20 pounds. The domestic cat is the only feline species that can hold its tail vertical while walking. All wild cats hold their tails horizontal or tucked between their legs.
It is possible for one female cat to have up to 100 kittens in her lifetime. A cat’s normal body temperature is 101.5. Cats prefer their food to be room temperature. Do not feed dog food to your cat, but do change its water bowl at least once a day. Cats have either round, slanted or almond shaped eyes, and can see up to 120 feet away.
The biggest frog in the world is a Goliath from West Africa. It is about a foot long and can weigh as much as a house cat. That is one big frog. A frog can jump 20 times its own length, whereas a flea can jump 150 times its length.
If you want a pet that is small but multiplies fast, a hamster is the answer. A hamster can have 4 to 12 young at one time, and the word hamster is German for “storing food.”
Finally, a puppy will sleep up to 14 hours per day, which reminds me – it’s time for Abby and me to take our naps. Good night! Sleep tight!
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