*Don't miss this inspiring rescue story from Dog Spelled Forward.
* Attending a conference is great, but affording one isn't always easy. Blogpaws tells us how to get a sponsorship that may help you attend this great pet conference.
* What to do about those little accidents called submissive urination, from Bark: Confessions of a Dog Trainer blog.
*More on training. David the Dog Trainer tells us why proper crate training teaches a dog that his crate is a "wonderful place to relax."
*Dogs who tweet? Dogster for the Love of dog blog introduces us to a new product, Puppy Tweets.
* The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show is Feb. 15 & 16. Look fors your favorite breed!
*Laugh for the day: Not sure who "started it" the cat or the dogs, but this decorating job leaves something to be desired! From popular site Cute Overload.
Have a great week!