* Rachel Baum from Bark: Confessions of a Dog Trainer shares how pet parents often anthropomorphize their pets. I can relate! Isn't Kelly really feeling sad when I leave her home alone? Or hungry when she sees me eating a cheeseburger? Maybe that's why she gets what she wants!
*Love this story in Dogster: For the love of dogs blog about Chloe the pug who rescued his feline friend from a koi pond!
*I just "met" Frankie, the Walk 'n Roll dog. So sweet! Visit him here on Joyful Paws "dedicated to animals whose spirits teach us to live life with a purpose."
* I actually had a dalmatian who fleas seemed to run away from. But most cats and dogs are going to encounter fleas at some point. This post from Pawcurious shares some valuable information on flea control.
*Do you ever wonder about Schnoodles, Goldendoodles and Maltipoos? Here's a thoughtful article over at Pet Connection. I also liked this article "Time to stop littering" about spaying and neutering.
*We all know the benefits of adopting a shelter or rescue pet. But sometimes the connection doesn't last. Petfinder has launched a new program, FurKeeps, designed to KEEP pets in homes.
*A video to make you smile. Petopia has posted this YouTube video for Pedigree dog food featuring beautiful dogs catching treats in the air. The little fuzz-ball at the very end is so cute!