Kelly helped us do our shopping. Here she is checking out a row of stools. Or perhaps she is posing as a stool. As you can see, they come in all colors. You really can find anything at The World's Largest Garage Sale.
Kelly thought she needed some bling, so she stopped at the vintage jewelry booth.

The World's Largest Garage Sale is an event where you can take your dog, and believe me, people do! We saw breeds from Bernese Mountain Dogs to Basset Hounds, German Shepherds, English Bulldogs and Chihuahuas. Most of the dogs walked on leashes but a few rode in wagons and baby strollers. Kelly met a new friend. What? You don't speak penguin?

We attended the sale from noon-4:30 on Friday, and then again from 8am-5pm on Saturday and never covered all the territory. Kelly joined us only on Friday, and she was so pooped out she napped at home with her Grandmom and Grandpop all the next day. Here she is resting near the end of the day Friday. She had about enough garage saling for one day.

This event is held the first weekend in October every year. It's a fun way to get out in the beautiful, crisp autumn weather and explore, snag a few bargains, and spend time with your dog too. And don't worry, treats abound for the pets. There were personalized dog tags, hand made cat houses (looked like little pup tents) and homemade organic cookies. yum!