1. When did you begin your blog? About 2 years ago.
2. What was your original purpose for starting a blog? Admittedly, my original purpose was rather vague. I am a full time freelance writer, and it just seemed like a good opportunity to write about something I love, and to learn more about the digital world.
3. Is your current purpose the same? My purpose has definitely refined.
If not, what’s different? My desire is to share interesting pet news and tips that I hope will help and inspire others, and to connect with other pet lovers.
4. Do you blog on a schedule or as the spirit moves you? On schedule (I love schedules!)
If the former, how often — and what techniques do you use to stick to it? I blog on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. The best trick I've found is scheduling posts in advance.
5. Are you generating income from your blog? No
If not currently, do you hope to in the future — and how? No, I don't plan to generate income, but I do hope that my blog might generate a bit of interest in my books and articles.
6. What do you like most about blogging in general and your blog in particular (bragging is good!)? I love the comments! And I always return the favor and comment back to anyone who comments on my blog. It is so encouraging to know someone is really out there reading!
7. What do you like least? I guess I would say that I like the least how time consuming it can be to research, write, post, follow others, comment (although I love doing it!), and keep up to date. It is difficult to do this well, and also eke out time for my freelance writing, editing, other jobs, dog, housework, family, and life!
8. How do you see your blog changing/growing in 2011? I hope to connect with even more bloggers and pet lovers!
Thank you Amy and Edie for this challenge!