Kelly gets a reward for sitting and staying. For coming in from outside. For having her picture taken. Yup, in addition to

Recently, as we've been dieting together, I've been concerned about the effects of all these goodies. Then I discovered mini treats!
Different brands of dog biscuits come in a variety of sizes. I read somewhere that it doesn't matter what you give them, most dogs are going to chew and swallow in one bite anyway. That's Kelly! So now, I buy her the smallest size treats I can find, many are only 5 to 10 calories a piece. Just check the list of ingredients to make sure they meet the standards you want.
Do you reward with commercial dog cookies, or something else?
Have you found mini treats beneficial for your dog?
Do you demand the same quality ingredients for your dog's treats as you do for his food, or do you allow some wiggle room there? (Like for myself, somehow I will allow myself a less-healthy dessert once in a while, but never eat deep fat fried foods or fatty meats for dinners.)