This Reuters article comes as no surprise. However, I do feel bad for the many investors who have lost or are losing money in both Menu foods and in other pet food related stocks. These investors thought there were investing in top notch, responsible companies. People who are not part of the daily grind of this industry could not know what potentials there were for this to happen and how bad the regulation of the industry was at the time.
They also couldn't know how bad this crisis would be handled by these companies. As soon as there was any evidence of any problem, all foods should have been recalled at once and Menu foods should have taken responsibility. It seems they still think only a handful of pets were harmed by their food. Come on, the number is in the thousands based on everything I've read.
I originally found this Reuters article on Check out their comments on the situation as well. Good stuff.
Although there is no bringing back anyone's pet, here's hoping that these owners will at least get something for their troubles and vet bills.