At a recent visit to the big chain pet store, I became intrigued with some furry little black creatures playing about in an enclosed display area. Not realizing what they were at first, I glanced to the sign, and to my dismay, they were RATS!
Yup, those same animals that plague Taco Bell and other restaurants across the world. RATS. But yet, here I was, actually enjoying watching them run about. These same creatures that people generally think of as PESTS are there being sold as PETS.
Well, after a little research, it looks like rats do have some popularity as an “exotic” pet. Apparently they are social, intelligent animals that make wonderful pets. They are relatively easy to care for, very curious, and require some interaction and exercise outside of their cage (at least an hour a day).
They are very social animals that like to be housed with other rats and some rat owners say their little creatures provide the same companionship as a dog. Now while I’m not sure if I could agree with that statement, I am never one to judge others on their choice of pets. And after watching them in the store, I can understand how someone can enjoy owning rats. The toughest part for me is getting over the notion of rats as PESTS and embracing the thought of rats as PETS.
Technorati Tags: pets rats pet rats
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