"Pets Need A Voice Too"


I came across this site recently as I was doing some searches. I was intriguied about the fight they are wagering against the pet food industry.

You can feel the passion the writers of this site have for this cause and I applaud their efforts. The story about what started the fight is so sad (found in the about us page). It's worth the read, but I'll write the brief synopsis....Jen Hoeflein, the founder of "Pets Need a Voice Too" had a cat who suffered liver failure last November. Unfortunately, the cat could no longer survive.

A few months later, the pet food recalls came out. Jen did her research, and sure enough there is more to this story then just a cat with a bad liver.

Again, I don't do the site justice, so please check it out. The story touched me enough to share it with everyone and I hope you can share it too.