With all the "designer" dogs being bred, I'm never amazed when I learn of a new type of cross breed. I was recently introduced to an "exotic" breed referred to as a mini bulldog. In actuality, the dog is a cross between a Pug an an English Bulldog.
Generally, the dog looks mostly like a bulldog, but grows only to the size of a pug. In fact, mini Bulldogs offer all of the great features and attitude as its larger friends.
Although this is the first time I've seen this dog, and while most people I spoke to haven't seen one, according to some google searches, Miniature Bulldogs were developed in the 1980's. The goal was to improve the health and reduce the size of the full sized English Bulldog.
According to some of the sites, Miniature Bulldogs are an improved dog whose behavior, looks, and health are ideal for the Bulldog lover. They have the features of full size English Bulldogs. As in the full size, there are variations in Miniature features.
The Miniatures are very active and are loving, obedient, protective companions. They are loyal, people oriented and like to do things with you. Grooming is necessary once a week and they will do fine in a small yard.
However, this breed is not without controversy. According to http://www.minibulldogs.com/ , there is confusion in the industry whether the breed "is it just a smaller Bulldog, or is a “mix” English Bulldog/Pug, English Bulldog/French Bulldog. There is not a real answer to this question. Many breeders do both. But any breeder that says they will not tell what they are is not very reputable."
Add this to the list of dogs I'd like to own someday.
mini bulldog, designer dogs, pets
Trackposted to Blue Star Chronicles, Outside the Beltway, Webloggin, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, The Amboy Times, and Big Dog's Weblog, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.