We’ve all heard the expression a dog’s life. And some days, I wouldn’t mind living that way.
Now that I have two dogs in the mix, my first dog is starting to look less to the humans for interaction, instead focusing all his time and energy on his new roommate. And what a time they are having together. Here is why I sometimes envy a dog’s life --they have the best daily schedule.
Morning –
Wake up: go to the bathroom…enjoy a treat. Go for a walk around the neighborhood. Play together, take a nap, play some more, go in their personal little “homes.”
Day – time: Sleep.
Early evening: Wake up, go to the bathroom, enjoy some treats. Play, then nap, then eat, then nap, then play….maybe try to hump something along the way.
Evening: continue to play, go for a walk, then play, then nap, then play, then nap, then play, then nap and finally go to sleep for the night.