Many of us have had a pet for some now. But for those of you looking to get a pet for the first time, here are the basics.
- New puppies or kittens can get into all sorts of trouble, so take steps to keep their environment safe. Keep all cleaning products and other household chemicals locked up in a cabinet and keep an eye out for any small items your new pet might choke on. Also, be sure to bundle up and hide any wires that are hanging out from TV's, radios and other appliances.
- Consider investing in a few pet or baby gates that you can use to keep your new arrival from wandering. Doing so can make it easier to housebreak and train new puppies, help protect furniture and keep young children and new pets separated.
-Accidents will happen so you may want to invest in plenty of cleaning supplies (but don't forget the first tip of keeping chemicals away from the pets), including stain removers and some cheap throw-away towels or rags. Even an old t-shirt cut up will work as a rag.
-Your new pet may appreciate a place of his own to sleep. Purchase a comfy bed or some soft, warm blankets. Even an old comforter will do the trick.
-And as always, keep plenty of food and water nearby.
Trackposted to Outside the Beltway, Pirate's Cove, Diary of the Mad Pigeon, The Bullwinkle Blog, Big Dog's Weblog, and Gone Hollywood, thanks to Linkfest Haven Deluxe.