Yesterday Kelly and I had our photo shoot for an article that will appear in Guideposts magazine in December. The photographer, Jennifer May, is quite accomplished in photography for magazines and book covers and she was fantastic at putting Kelly and I at ease. Posing can result in awkward, unnatural smiles, but Jennifer definitely made me (and Kelly) feel comfortable. Her work for my latest Guideposts article, Red Thumb (Guideposts August 2008) was fantastic, as you can see by the photograph she took of Mike and I at our dining table, surrounded by some of our tomato harvest.
Anyway, Guideposts wanted some outdoors shots and it rained nearly all day so we weren't sure that was going to happen, but right as the appointed time arose, the skies cleared and a bright sun came out. I had to work to keep Kelly out of the mud in the back yard, and keep her new haircut brushed and looking good.
Since the article is to appear in December, I was asked to wear long pants and a long sleeved shirt. So I pulled on some jeans and buttoned myself into a nice, toasty cardigan sweater and stepped out into the baking July sun for an hour or so of posing and running around with Kelly. By the end of it, her tongue was hanging down and she didn't want to move. She was supposed to be playful and energetic, and we could barely get her to feign interest in a tennis ball. Hopefully Jennifer got the shots she needed!
Then we came inside for some posed shots on the front porch. Kelly cooperated for a bit, then she decided she'd had enough. I kept arranging her into a standing position, and by the time I took my place she'd sunk down and was lying at my feet. An exhausting day being a doggy model!
I'll keep you posted when the article comes out. In the meantime, Kelly's glamor days are over and she's content rolling in the grass in the back yard again.