Our poor, sweet kitty, Grace, is getting on in years. We think she's close to being 19 years old now, but she could even be older. She's not as agile and flexible as she used to be, and not so diligent about grooming and bathing herself, either. Some days, Grace actually smells pretty bad. And the snarls! Uncombable! We try to get rid of at least one hair snarl each day, but she usually hides when she sees us get her brush.

We've been giving Grace a bath every two or three weeks. I spray on hair de-tangler made for babies, and we try to comb the knots out of her hair after she's dry. That wasn't working too well, either.
So, last resort - we took Grace to the vet for grooming.
Here's what we got:

Grace has been shaved!
Doesn't she look cute in a pathetic kind of way?
I thought she'd be traumatized and want to hide. But she's actually strutting around the house flaunting her new look. The shaved areas on her back feel like velvet! It's a pleasure to pet Grace again and not get our hands stuck in gobs of knotted hair.

Grace is asking to go outside.
Does she want to show off her new hairdo to the neighborhood cats? Or is she planning to run away because of what we've done to her?
all photos:
corsi photo