Cats are fast and many indoor cats will try to get out of your doors. Many doors swing close quickly or get kicked close and many cats can get injured.
Here is an example of a cat injury that I found on Petplace.com. A cat owner was carrying in groceries and her cat thought this was a good time to try to sneak out the door. Her arms were full so she kicked the door shut with her foot trying to prevent her cat from escaping. When it shut - guess what happened? Yep, this kitty got her tail caught in the door. This is not an uncommon injury.
Many times the tail is broken which was the case for this cat - and other times the tail suffers a large laceration and even loss of skin and hair. The treatment?
Amputation. Removing the damaged portion of the tail will treat this. Cats live fine with a shorter tail, though the owner paid a lot in vet bills by the time everything was done. Not to mention the pain and discomfort to the cat.