I've never been comfortable with publicity. But I'm learning that it goes along with writing and publishing.
Last January, I was interviewed on two local television stations, regarding my story in Chicken Soup for the Dieter's Soul. A timely topic for the season or a slow news day, whatever the reason I was a hot ticket at that time. I was pretty nervous going into both interviews, but mercifully both newswomen were totally skilled at putting me at ease and making the interview flow smoothly. So, although I still felt like an awkward teenager trying to fit in with the flawless cheerleader types (hey, they were both really pretty), I got through the interviews unscathed.
This morning I got the radio experience. I was interviewed by local (WGY) radio talk show host, Joe Gallagher. He wanted to talk about my story in The Ultimate Dog Lover book. The interview was conducted over the phone. Yay--I could do my part while still in my pajamas (It was early in the morning) At the appointed time, the show's producer called and asked me to hold the line. My mind raced wondering what Joe might ask. I reminded myself to treat it just like I was talking to a friend on the phone--something my husband will attest that I do for the better part of most days.
Fortunately, Joe was extremely easy to talk to, with a smooth, friendly voice, and he put me at ease right away. We talked about my story, "Happy Together" and the book in general, and about dogs including, of course, Kelly. He signed off with my blog address (hello to anyone who happened to have listened, and is here today as a result! Hi there!!)
I was hoping Kelly wouldn't suddenly bark like crazy, or someone didn't knock on the door, or my cell didn't start ringing too-- which generally all happens when I'm on the phone. I also considered that I might fall back asleep while waiting for the phone call (I'm no morning person) or we'd have a power outage and the phone would go dead, or I'd faint from excitement, or that possibly my husband would have some emergency--involving loss of blood and/or gasping for breath--and require my medical expertise (of which I have none) and........well, that's why I'm a writer.
I'll post the podcast when it becomes available.