How many books do you think we're going to see about Presidential pup Bo? The pets of famous people always attract interest, especially those of the leader of our country, and even more so when involving children in the White House.
I've written several articles about presidential dogs; from FDR's Scottish Terrier Fala, to LBJ's beagles Him and Her, to Gerald Ford's Golden Retriever Liberty. Then there was George HW Bush's Springer Spaniel Millie who "wrote" her own autobiography.
One new book that should be popping up on the bookstore shelves soon is author and illustrator Bob Staake's "The First Pup; The Unofficial Story of How Sasha and Malia's Dad Got the Presidency-- and How They Got a Dog."
This book explores the excitement leading up to the selection of the First Dog, and shows illustrations of poodles, schnauzers and other dogs vying for the spot, until the end reveals the Portuguese Water Dog on his way to the White House!
According to, however, at this point Staake's manuscript has not yet found a publisher.
Staake also created this month's cute New Yorker magazine cover, stating his illustration "also works as a metaphor for Obama."