Finally, I can let the "cat out of the bag," to coin a phrase. If you've read some of my earlier blog entries, you know that I finished a manual for the Pet Peace of Mind program several weeks ago for a mysterious project. Well, as of yesterday, I can finally let you know what has been in the works for these past few months. Last April, we sent a grant application in to the Banfield Charitable Trust in Portland, Oregon. Banfield Corporation owns the pet hospitals in all the PetSmarts around the country, all 700+ of them. The Banfield Charitable Trust (BCT) offers funding to a variety of pet-friendly projects. Last fall, the Director of the BCT called us and told us that they had been considering a program to support hospice patients and their pets. They realized that what they had in mind was a program just like ours. They asked us if they could use our model to start a nationwide Pet Peace of Mind program in non-profit hospices around the country. In other words, the Pet Peace of Mind program is going nationwide!! The logo was designed by the BCT and I love it.
Perhaps the most exciting part for me is that I will continue to be involved with Pet Peace of Mind as it expands. I wrote the manual and have been asked to serve on the grant approval committee. I also have the privilege of helping train hospice staff to implement the program in their area. It has always been my hope that Pet Peace of Mind would help lots of patients and pets, not just ours. We sent out a press release to the local media here in Tulsa today and we are mentioned on the BCT website under programs. They plan to debut their program May 1st. I will keep you updated as things continue to unfold.