By Suzanne Alicie
We all love our pets, we love the joy they bring us, the entertainment and companionship they provide, and just the fact that they are part of our lives. However, we don’t always love the smells they bring into our homes. Litter boxes, wet dog smells and pet “accidents” all contribute to the pet odors in our homes.
When it comes to removing pet odors we have hundreds of options. There are sprays and cleansers, candles, oils and many other options to cover up pet odors. The problem is that many of these products aren’t healthy for our pets. This leaves us, as responsible pet owners, searching for safe non toxic and natural pet odor removal methods.
The search is over. There are three basic items that you probably have in your home that will take care of all your pet odor problems. Not only will these three products remove the odors, they are all natural and completely safe for your pets and children.
These mystical, magical, all natural products that remove pet odors are baking soda, vinegar, and lemon juice. You thought I was going to give you a list of some products you’d never heard of, right? Nope. These three simple products can be used in many ways, alone and together, to remove pet smells from your home.
Vinegar neutralizes odors. Spray your pet’s bedding and your pet himself with basic household vinegar to remove the musky dog smell from your home. Vinegar is also a great rinse after you bathe your dog to keep him from smelling like wet fur. Place a small bowl of vinegar near the litter box to clear the air. While vinegar has a strong smell initially, it dissipates quickly leaving a fresh clean scent. You can use vinegar to clean up accidents on floors and carpeting. Vinegar will clean up pet stains and odors quickly and easily.
Baking Soda
Baking soda absorbs odors. You can sprinkle it on carpets, add it to the litter box and sprinkle it on pet bedding and into your pet’s fur. To remove pet odors overnight, simply sprinkle baking soda around pet areas and on your carpet before bed. When you get up in the morning vacuum up the baking soda and revel in the fresh smell of your home.
Lemon Juice
All natural lemon juice eliminates pet odors in the air and leaves behind a fresh citrusy scent. Place a small bowl of lemon juice near areas where your pet tends to leave smells. If you have a puppy that is being crate or paper trained, a bowl of lemon juice will help with the odor. Of course you don’t want to leave bowls of vinegar or lemon juice where your pet might drink it; place them in higher areas where the air will circulate and be freshened.
See? All natural and non toxic pet odor removal doesn’t require a trip to the pet supply store, or bottles of expensive sprays. You just need to know what the products you already have in your home can do to eliminate and prevent pet odors.
Read more articles by Suzanne Alicie