*June is Adopt a Shelter Cat Month. To help you find your perfect match, the ASPCA's breaks down different cat purr-sonality.
* When choosing a college, how many students had "allows my dog" on the list of campus requirements? Probably not too many. Most colleges have a strict No Pets rule. (When I attended Syracuse University, I was so desperate for a pet that I adopted a hermit crab, one of the few types of animals allowed in the dorm.) The New York Times reports that a growing number of colleges are now allowing pets. Among the colleges listed were MIT, State University of New York at Canton, and Washington & Jefferson.
* And if the dogs can go to college, why not to a concert? Dogster blog reports on an Aussie concert that went to the dogs!
*Find out why Dr. Marty Becker, from the Pet Connection blog, says "Throw out your pets' food bowls!"
* What percentage of pet owners carry a photo of their pet in their wallet? 15%? 45%? 65%? Find out from USA Today.
*Thinking of an afternoon at the new movie Marmaduke? Check out the movie trailer here. (Unfortunately, reviews aren't too promising.)
* Do animals go to heaven? Check back tomorrow for a review of Ptolemy Tompkins new book, The Divine Life of Animals.
What do you think? Thumbs up or thumbs down for movies with talking animals? Did you have a pet at college (legally or not?!) And what pet photos do you carry in your wallet?