* Pet rescues in the news: In Washington DC, a distressed dog received assistance from a U.S. Park Police detective. When the dog, apparently overcome by heat, was seen struggling in the Washington Channel, the detective jumped in for the rescue.
(Update: the dog did not survive. The owner was given a citation for allowing the dog to run loose in the park.)
* USA Today reports that another distressed dog, this one trapped in a hot car, saved itself by honking the horn until his owner returned and let him out.
* Kitty gone missing? Chicago Trib reports on a new iphone app to help locate your lost cat, called Here, Kitty Kitty. I'll let you decide if it actually works.
* Over at Take Paws, guest blogger Roxanne Hawn explains why Golden, Colorado is a great destination to visit with your dog!
*You're not going to want to eat this. Doggie Stylish brings us photos of amazing, 3D dog cakes.
What about you? Do you know of a great place to visit with your dog? And, if you've lost a pet, what have you done to help find it?