* Allowing your dog some play time at the park should be fun and safe. Here's what you need to know about dog park and doggy day care safety, from Dog Star Daily.
* Going to Disneyworld this summer? What about your pet? Check out these new luxury pet resort at Disneyworld...dogs, cats, even hamsters! They offer dog walks, play time, cuddle time, grooming, bedtime stories, even luxury rooms with televisions! I think my dog Kelly would love this!
* Other traveling with pets news isn't so bright. Want to fly with your pet turtle? Think again. Three young girls trying to bring home a 2-inch pet turtle in a cage were told they had
* Check out these photos from Desire to Inspire: Pets on furniture. Could you think of a better combination?
....except maybe Kids and Dogs from Huffington Post. Your daily dose of sugar!
*I really liked this blog post from Bark: Confessions of a Dog Trainer.
How To Ruin a Perfectly Good Dog:
1. Get a Dog
2. Bring it Home
3. Buy an enormous bag of inexpensive dog food from the grocery store
4. Yell at the dog for begging at the table. Give it a piece of spaghetti to make it go away.
5. Read the rest of the list from
What about you? Will you take your pet with you when you travel this summer? And, do you have some great suggestions to add to the list "How to Ruin a Perfectly Good Dog?"