By Linda Cole
It can be hard trying to determine the pedigree of some mixed breed dogs. Even dog experts have a hard time identifying some “Heinz 57” pups. A lot of times, it comes down to guesswork. But knowing which combination of dog breeds they might be can make a difference when you're trying to decide if a mixed breed is one that would be suitable for your family.
Because mixed breed dogs have a variety of breeds in their lineage, it's difficult to know all the dog breeds making up their DNA. Which breed temperament will be the strongest may be noticeable when they're pups, but it can change as they grow.
Until 2007, there were no tests to determine the heritage of mixed breeds. Scientists have developed a DNA test for about 100 or so specific dogs breeds and have recently been testing mixed breeds for an average cost to dog owners of around $100. Since it doesn't cover all known dog breeds, a complete evaluation for most mutts is still in the future. Each year, more breeds are added to the list, but until a complete list is compiled, that leaves most of us wondering which breeds are in our mixed breed dog.
A cross breed mixed dog comes from two different purebred dogs. A Labrador and Poodle bred together produce a Labradoodle. It's considered a mixed breed dog, but there's a difference between a dog with first generation parents and one whose mixed breed lineage goes back three or more generations.

True mixed breed dogs are more run of the mill types with a medium build and light or medium brown or black coats with white on their chest and possibly in other places on their coat. They're usually of medium weight around 40 pounds. These are dogs with so many generations of mixed breed ancestry that any resemblance of specific dog breeds has been lost.
Not all mixed breed dogs are true Heinz 57's. You can determine specific breeds in many mixed dogs. My Beagle/Terrier mix, Alex, looks like a Beagle in her face, with ears that resemble that part of her heritage, but the ears are shorter and not as wide as a purebred Beagle. She has a Terrier body, except in the chest which is more like a Beagle. Her disposition is more Beagle like, and she loves to bark. She's stubborn and likes to do things when she's ready, but she's more laid back than a typical Terrier and not as snappy.
Check the shape of their head and muzzle. Does the dog have floppy ears or do they stand erect? Is their tail short or stubby, long and thin or bushy? You can get an idea of how big your puppy will be by looking at his feet. If he has small feet, he'll remain small. If his feet seem to be oversized for his body, watch out if you aren't looking for a big dog.
Coat color can give you some indications as well. A black and tan colored coat with a saddle type of pattern may tell you he has German Shepherd in him, especially if he shows other characteristics of a Shepherd like a long wedge-shaped nose and erect ears. If he has webbed feet, then you can assume he probably has some type of water dog in his DNA, like a Spaniel or even a Newfoundland.
If the structure of the dog's face, ears, eyes and muzzle point toward a specific breed, you know at least one breed. If it looks like a Lab, that means it has Lab in its DNA. The body may be smaller or larger which then becomes another guessing game for other possible dog breeds.
Having a general idea what the genetic makeup of a mixed breed dog is helps you decide if it's a dog that would fit in with your lifestyle. If you're looking for an active dog but end up with a couch potato, you may not be happy with the dog. Being able to determine the main breeds in a mixed breed dog can give you an idea what temperament that dog might have. You can take some of the mystery out of adopting a mixed breed dog by doing a few careful, but simple observations before you adopt.
Read more articles by Linda Cole