* November is Senior Pet Month. This news report from Bloomberg Businessweek tells us what we all surely know...senior pets may have a few more health needs, but a little TLC can go a long way in taking care of them.
* From senior pets to puppies...hop over the Life with Dogs to learn about new documentary, Madonna of the Mills, about one woman's fight against puppy mills. Her story will inspire you.
* BuffaloNews.com brings us good news of 36 puppies rescued from a Missouri puppy mill. The puppy mill was listed on the U.S. Humane Society's "Dirty Dozen" of the most deplorable facilities. Among the dogs rescued and brought to foster homes near Buffalo NY are cocker spaniel, miniature schnauzer, yorkie, lhasa apso, American eskimo, papillon, and puggle.
* Here's a great contest

* Another contest, from FIDO Friendly blog, enter to win a free Buddy Belt. Buddy Belt is a harness designed to minimize pressure on your dog's neck and spine.
* And another contest! Enter Doggies and Stuff contest for a $30 gift certificate to Equal Exchange, specializing in fair trade coffee, chocolate, nuts and snacks.