* What makes a pet "green?" And what do shelter dogs, indoor cats, and chickens have to do with it? Find out more about eco-friendly approaches to pet parenting, on Care2's post, Top 5 Greenest Pets.
* CNN tells us about the world's largest house pet...a 1600 pound baby bison.
*And on Mental Floss, The Top 10 pets that are worth more than you think. This includes a cat, Tinker, who was bequeathed a $226,000 trust fund and a house worth $800,000. And pampered pups Sunny, Lauren, Sadie, Sophie and Solomon, who are named in a will to receive $30 million to provide for their care. I guess it helps that their mommy is Oprah.
* From Pawnation, a great dog leash review. Find the right one for your dog!
* Attend the theater, adopt a dog. Kansas City.com reports on a new stage show, "Sylvia" starring Cindy Williams (of Laverne and Shirley fame), about a stray dog and the people who take her in. At the end of each show, a shelter dog will be brought on stage and introduced. Theatergoers interested in adopting will fill out a card so that they can be interviewed. All the dogs come from a no-kill shelter. "I'm looking forward to finding them homes," Williams said. "Wonderful, wonderful homes."