By Julia Williams
As responsible pet owners, we all want to do everything we can to keep our furry best friends safe so they can live a long and healthy life. Because our pets can’t discern whether something is good or bad for them, they rely on us to keep the dangerous stuff out of the house, or at least out of their reach. Because knowledge is power, today I want to share with you some of the most common causes of pet poisoning.
A pet insurance company in California analyzed data from approximately half a million insured pets to compile a list of toxic substances that pose a danger to them. Common pet poisons found in the home (in order based on the number of claims) include medicine, chocolate/caffeine, plants, cleaning supplies, pest control products, antifreeze, walnuts and alcohol. Depending on the substance ingested, pet poisoning can occur quickly and can be fatal.
Once you know what’s in your home that could harm your pet, you can take preventative safety measures. Even so, you should be prepared in case of an accidental poisoning. Keep the number for your regular veterinarian and the closest emergency vet hospital handy, as well as a pet poison hotline. As the saying goes, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
Many human medications can be quite dangerous for dogs and cats even in small doses. Pets have been known to sample pills they find on the floor, so be sure to keep all prescription drugs and over-the-counter pills like painkillers, cold and allergy meds, vitamins and supplements stored in your medicine cabinet. Poisoning can also occur with pet medicines and nutritional supplements if they are misapplied or stored where your pet can get to them and subsequently consume more than they should.
Chocolate and caffeine both contain a substance called methylxanthine, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, panting, excessive thirst, hyperactivity, abnormal heart rhythm, tremors and seizures. See “Chocolate Toxicity in Pets” for more information.
Houseplants: more than 700 common plants produce toxins that could be harmful to pets, and some can even be life threatening. Plants to avoid include Azalea, Cyclamen, Dieffenbachia, Dracaena, Kalanchoe, Lily, Philodendron and Pothos. To complicate matters, some houseplants are toxic to cats but not dogs, and vice versa. Learn which plants can poison your pet, and keep them out of the house. If your kitty likes to graze on greenery, you can grow some catnip or cat grass in a small container.
Many traditional cleaning products have harsh chemicals that can be toxic to pets. Because our pets walk on the floor with their “bare paws” and their noses are always close to the floor, fumes and chemical residues from these products can place a strain on their organs. Choosing natural cleaning products will help to limit the toxins your pet comes into contact with. Read “Go Green for Your Pet’s Health” for more information.
Pest control products should be used with extreme caution in homes with pets. Poisons used to kill mice and rats may contain anticoagulants which slow the clotting of blood and interfere with normal liver functions. Rodenticide can also cause bleeding disorders, neurological problems, gastrointestinal distress, kidney failure and death. Use a humane trap unless you’re 100% certain the bait is located in an area that’s totally inaccessible to pets and that the rodents can’t drag the bait where pets can get to it.
Mothballs are also highly toxic to dogs and cats, so choose a natural moth deterrent such as cedar chips instead. Flea and tick insecticides, even those designed for pets, can be toxic if used improperly, such as topically applying the wrong product or using something made for dogs on your cat. Be sure to read the label carefully, and choose natural flea control products over chemical pesticides whenever possible.
Human food that's deadly for pets is a topic we’ve written about a lot on this blog, because many people mistakenly assume that what’s safe for them is safe for their dog or cat too. That’s not always the case, and foods that can be toxic to your pets should be stored where they can’t get to them. These include grapes, raisins, macadamia nuts, onions, nutmeg and walnuts, as well as gum, candy, cookies and mints that contain the sweetener xylitol.
The garage is perhaps the most important area of the home to pet proof. It’s where we typically store a host of products that can be toxic to pets, including antifreeze, brake fluid, paint, solvents, fertilizers and herbicides. Be sure these are kept on high shelves or in bins with secure lids.
The time and effort it takes to ensure that all of the above substances can’t accidentally poison your pet is well worth it. Their safety and health depend on it!
Photo by sarawestermark
Read more articles by Julia Williams
The cutest thing you'll see today
Wednesday Pet Roundup

* Did you know that dogs help veterans with PTSD? Programs such as Paws for Purple Hearts even recognizes that the training process itself can have a positive effect on veterans. In Psychology Today, Tracy Stecker, phD, explains some reasons why dogs heal PTSD. Including:
Dogs are vigilant
Dogs are protective
Dogs help the veterans remember feelings of love.
* Does your dog get sore paws due to hot pavement? Solution: Protective booties. Summer heat can even give your dog a sunburn! Solution: make sure he wears a t-shirt when you go out for walks. More home remedies for dogs on HowStuffWorks.
* Today online reports on Otto the fat cat, who lost 6 lbs. I know what an accomplishment that is, that's the same amount that Kelly lost. So I'm not belittling the accomplish, but is it me, or does Otto still look just as big? At any rate, you go Otto, keep it up! Dieting isn't easy, but Kelly and I both know it's important.
* Riley the dog and a mud-tracking pig named Reese helped one Facebook fan win a contest sponsored by and a national cleaning company, COIT, promoting their new pet services program. The San Fransisco Chronicle reports that the company specializes in removing pet stains and odors.
home remedies for pets,
otto the cat,
pet obesity,
service dogs
Does Your Dog’s Name Fit Their Personality?
By Suzanne Alicie
Pet names are kind of funny sometimes. Most dogs get their names when they are puppies, and once they grow up the name may or may not fit their personality. The same is true for cats. I once named a kitten Chicken because she was scared of everything, but after she got used to the family there was no fear in her! So how do you choose a dog name that your puppy can grow into? It’s a guessing game really, and the idea is mainly to pick a name that he will understand, that you like and that rolls off your tongue easily! Julia Williams has offered up some great suggestions in “How to Pick the Perfect Name for Your New Pet.”
Do you have a really big dog that maneuvers about as well as a bull in a china shop? Was he the runt of the litter and you despaired of him every growing big and strong? If so, he may have a name like Tiny or Baby. You can’t change his name after he grows big so his name may be a bit of a misnomer, but it’ll make a great story when people ask!
Some dogs have such a strong personality when they are puppies that the name you give them based on their personality will fit even when they are grown. Bruiser may be the moniker tacked onto the biggest pup in the litter as he tramples the others to get to his CANIDAE dog food. That “leader of the pack” mentality tends to stick with a dog, and he’ll likely have a personality that matches his size.
Dog owners sometimes name their dogs based on physical appearance, but this can change a great deal as the dog ages. I recall a Pit Bull puppy we had years ago – at 8 weeks of age he hadn’t grown into his feet or his coat, and when he sat down it looked like his pants were wrinkling around his butt! Luckily I didn’t name him Saggy or Clumsy, because although he always ran a bit sideways, he grew into his feet and his coat, and there was nothing saggy about him. His name was Max, and he was loyal, loving and very fit.
Another dog that I met on the beach in North Carolina was a beautiful Samoyed. She was 3 years old and a gorgeous big ball of white fur. Her personality was amazing. She was spirited and fun, yet she was also a bit cautious. She seemed to respond to whatever the people around her were feeling. I was drawn to this dog because she looked so much like my dog Chaos that I’d lost just a few weeks before. I was happy to see her and I couldn’t stop myself from wandering over to the strangers on the beach to see if I could just pet her. She came up to me and let me pet her. I was overwhelmed with missing my dog and about to cry in front of people I’d just met, when she nudged me with her big head and almost knocked me over. I bent over and she licked my face. She just seemed to know. Yes, there is a point to this story; I couldn’t believe it when her owner told me what her name was…Karma! I fell in love with that dog, and I have to imagine that her owners named her after experiencing the intuitive nature of her personality.
Some dogs have names that fit their personality, and some dogs don’t. It doesn’t seem to matter to the people who love them, because at some time the name fit perfectly and they can’t imagine the dog being named anything else. Besides, more than likely the dog has a nickname that fits better. Our dog Bear has several names, the most common being Flop, because that’s what she does when she sits with one of us. Anyone who hears me talking to her would probably laugh because I call her flopadoodle several times a day. Luckily for me, she answers to just about anything I decide to call her.
Does your dog’s name fit their personality?
Photo by Richard Mansfield
Read more articles by Suzanne Alicie
Pet names are kind of funny sometimes. Most dogs get their names when they are puppies, and once they grow up the name may or may not fit their personality. The same is true for cats. I once named a kitten Chicken because she was scared of everything, but after she got used to the family there was no fear in her! So how do you choose a dog name that your puppy can grow into? It’s a guessing game really, and the idea is mainly to pick a name that he will understand, that you like and that rolls off your tongue easily! Julia Williams has offered up some great suggestions in “How to Pick the Perfect Name for Your New Pet.”
Do you have a really big dog that maneuvers about as well as a bull in a china shop? Was he the runt of the litter and you despaired of him every growing big and strong? If so, he may have a name like Tiny or Baby. You can’t change his name after he grows big so his name may be a bit of a misnomer, but it’ll make a great story when people ask!
Some dogs have such a strong personality when they are puppies that the name you give them based on their personality will fit even when they are grown. Bruiser may be the moniker tacked onto the biggest pup in the litter as he tramples the others to get to his CANIDAE dog food. That “leader of the pack” mentality tends to stick with a dog, and he’ll likely have a personality that matches his size.
Dog owners sometimes name their dogs based on physical appearance, but this can change a great deal as the dog ages. I recall a Pit Bull puppy we had years ago – at 8 weeks of age he hadn’t grown into his feet or his coat, and when he sat down it looked like his pants were wrinkling around his butt! Luckily I didn’t name him Saggy or Clumsy, because although he always ran a bit sideways, he grew into his feet and his coat, and there was nothing saggy about him. His name was Max, and he was loyal, loving and very fit.
Another dog that I met on the beach in North Carolina was a beautiful Samoyed. She was 3 years old and a gorgeous big ball of white fur. Her personality was amazing. She was spirited and fun, yet she was also a bit cautious. She seemed to respond to whatever the people around her were feeling. I was drawn to this dog because she looked so much like my dog Chaos that I’d lost just a few weeks before. I was happy to see her and I couldn’t stop myself from wandering over to the strangers on the beach to see if I could just pet her. She came up to me and let me pet her. I was overwhelmed with missing my dog and about to cry in front of people I’d just met, when she nudged me with her big head and almost knocked me over. I bent over and she licked my face. She just seemed to know. Yes, there is a point to this story; I couldn’t believe it when her owner told me what her name was…Karma! I fell in love with that dog, and I have to imagine that her owners named her after experiencing the intuitive nature of her personality.
Some dogs have names that fit their personality, and some dogs don’t. It doesn’t seem to matter to the people who love them, because at some time the name fit perfectly and they can’t imagine the dog being named anything else. Besides, more than likely the dog has a nickname that fits better. Our dog Bear has several names, the most common being Flop, because that’s what she does when she sits with one of us. Anyone who hears me talking to her would probably laugh because I call her flopadoodle several times a day. Luckily for me, she answers to just about anything I decide to call her.
Does your dog’s name fit their personality?
Photo by Richard Mansfield
Read more articles by Suzanne Alicie
dog names,
naming a pet,
Suzanne Alicie
Birthday Party and prizes for you!
Frankie, star of "Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog" book series, is "the little dog with tires who teaches us to be positive and keep on rolling." And, in honor of her birthday, she's giving YOU prizes!
Prize One: $25.00 Dachshund Delights gift certificate, Frankie tote bag, Both Frankie storybooks, Frankie coloring and paper doll book, Frankie greeting card, and Frankie 2-pc magnet set.
Prize Two: $15.00 Dachshund Delights gift certificate, Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog book, Dogs and the Women Who Love Them book, 3" Frankie magnet, and Frankie greeting card.
Prize Three: $10.00 Dachshund Delights gift certificate, Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Therapy Dog Visits Libby's House book, Almost Perfect book, 3" Frankie magnet, and Frankie greeting card.
Check out Frankie the Walk 'N Roll Dog blog Frankie's Birthday Bash to find out how to enter!
Frankie the walk 'n roll dog,
Animals with stuffed animals
Wait til you see all the other Animals with Stuffed Animals
Photo: Julie Corsi
How to Teach Your Pet Not to Beg for Food
By Linda Cole
I had a cat that was so insistent with begging that she would jump up on my right side and wrap her claws around my right arm. That was the hand holding the fork. She usually came from under the table in one of her stealthy cat attacks and before I knew it, my arm was locked in combat with her claws. She was so quick that sometimes she actually stole my fork on its way to my mouth! She did learn not to beg, but it took a few boxes of bandages before I finally won the battle. It is possible to teach your pet not to beg for food. After all, we're the ones who taught them to beg in the first place, and it's more a matter of us breaking our bad habit.
It's hard to look into our pet's pleading eyes and not give them a treat from our plate. Yes, I know they like it, but it's not good for them and it can cause health problems that can turn into life threatening conditions. Cooked bones can splinter, causing mouth and stomach lacerations. Round bones can become caught on a tooth and any bone can get lodged between the teeth or in their throat, causing them to choke. Spicy and fatty foods can cause intestinal problems and hyperactivity. Accidental poisonings from pets’ consuming the wrong foods – like raisins, chocolate, candy and walnuts – go up during the holidays, when there’s more food around and more people to beg from. Not only that, table scraps add unnecessary pounds onto pets, and it's just as important for them to maintain a healthy body weight as it is for us. A quality pet food like CANIDAE and FELIDAE is all our four-legged friends really need for optimum health.
Let's face it, most pets have us figured out and if they want something we have, their begging eyes can be hard to resist. Especially if you have a pet who adds their own little “begging” dance to go along with the eyes. But it's not the pet's fault for begging if we give in and toss them a bite of what we have. We have to change our behavior to correct the behavior of our pet. Whenever there's food around, most dogs and cats will be enticed by the smell no matter what kind of food it is. Even with their food bowl filled, pets who are used to getting table scraps will continue to insist you share your food.
I was just as guilty as the next pet owner for tossing a tasty ‘treat’ to one of my pets, and it only takes one time to start a bad habit. Since I have multiple pets, I learned quickly that if I handed out treats during my meals I'd end up with nothing to eat, so that bad habit was easy for me to correct. If your pet persists in begging, the best thing you can do is simply remove them from the room while you eat. However, proper training will eliminate begging as long as you stay consistent and committed to training yourself.
I know it's easier said than done, but ignoring your pet will teach him begging won't work. Don't look at your pet, don't talk to them, and stay strong and determined. You can try feeding your pet at the same time you're eating, but most pets will still wait in anticipation. You can also try exercising your dog or playing with your cat just before you sit down for a meal. Tiring them out will get rid of pent up energy, and might help to reduce their begging.
If you give in and feed your pet table scraps, it's your fault if they beg while you're trying to enjoy your meal. Every time you give your pet some food from your plate, you're encouraging their behavior and teaching them it's OK to beg. Ignore them completely for their good health. You can't yell at your pet for begging. If it's a problem, put them in another room while you eat and commit to a ‘no table scrap oath’ for every member of your family. The best policy is not to give any table scraps to your pet at all. Once YOU are trained, your pet will be too!
Photo by Dan Coulter
Read more articles by Linda Cole
I had a cat that was so insistent with begging that she would jump up on my right side and wrap her claws around my right arm. That was the hand holding the fork. She usually came from under the table in one of her stealthy cat attacks and before I knew it, my arm was locked in combat with her claws. She was so quick that sometimes she actually stole my fork on its way to my mouth! She did learn not to beg, but it took a few boxes of bandages before I finally won the battle. It is possible to teach your pet not to beg for food. After all, we're the ones who taught them to beg in the first place, and it's more a matter of us breaking our bad habit.
It's hard to look into our pet's pleading eyes and not give them a treat from our plate. Yes, I know they like it, but it's not good for them and it can cause health problems that can turn into life threatening conditions. Cooked bones can splinter, causing mouth and stomach lacerations. Round bones can become caught on a tooth and any bone can get lodged between the teeth or in their throat, causing them to choke. Spicy and fatty foods can cause intestinal problems and hyperactivity. Accidental poisonings from pets’ consuming the wrong foods – like raisins, chocolate, candy and walnuts – go up during the holidays, when there’s more food around and more people to beg from. Not only that, table scraps add unnecessary pounds onto pets, and it's just as important for them to maintain a healthy body weight as it is for us. A quality pet food like CANIDAE and FELIDAE is all our four-legged friends really need for optimum health.
Let's face it, most pets have us figured out and if they want something we have, their begging eyes can be hard to resist. Especially if you have a pet who adds their own little “begging” dance to go along with the eyes. But it's not the pet's fault for begging if we give in and toss them a bite of what we have. We have to change our behavior to correct the behavior of our pet. Whenever there's food around, most dogs and cats will be enticed by the smell no matter what kind of food it is. Even with their food bowl filled, pets who are used to getting table scraps will continue to insist you share your food.
I was just as guilty as the next pet owner for tossing a tasty ‘treat’ to one of my pets, and it only takes one time to start a bad habit. Since I have multiple pets, I learned quickly that if I handed out treats during my meals I'd end up with nothing to eat, so that bad habit was easy for me to correct. If your pet persists in begging, the best thing you can do is simply remove them from the room while you eat. However, proper training will eliminate begging as long as you stay consistent and committed to training yourself.
I know it's easier said than done, but ignoring your pet will teach him begging won't work. Don't look at your pet, don't talk to them, and stay strong and determined. You can try feeding your pet at the same time you're eating, but most pets will still wait in anticipation. You can also try exercising your dog or playing with your cat just before you sit down for a meal. Tiring them out will get rid of pent up energy, and might help to reduce their begging.
If you give in and feed your pet table scraps, it's your fault if they beg while you're trying to enjoy your meal. Every time you give your pet some food from your plate, you're encouraging their behavior and teaching them it's OK to beg. Ignore them completely for their good health. You can't yell at your pet for begging. If it's a problem, put them in another room while you eat and commit to a ‘no table scrap oath’ for every member of your family. The best policy is not to give any table scraps to your pet at all. Once YOU are trained, your pet will be too!
Photo by Dan Coulter
Read more articles by Linda Cole
behavior problems,
Linda Cole,
Princess Kelly
Kelly is excited to receive her award from Five Sibes!

She won a prize for "Fourth of July Princess!"

"I'm guarding my new toy!"

Thank you Five Sibes! She certainly feels like royalty now!

She won a prize for "Fourth of July Princess!"

"I'm guarding my new toy!"

Thank you Five Sibes! She certainly feels like royalty now!
The Wolf of Kindness

Paws for Thought:
A Native American grandfather talking to his young grandson tells the boy he has two wolves inside of him struggling with each other. The first is the wolf of peace, love and kindness. The other wolf is fear, greed and hatred. "Which wolf will win, grandfather?" asks the young boy. "Whichever one I feed," is the reply.
I've got a new slideshow up - showing Dan de Lion's recent pics
And he is toooooo cute for words! Formerly known as Dandy-Lion, he's now Dan de Lion and getting so big. He's totally a terror and just too much fun. His cage and play area is our locker area where I work and, when we punch in and out of our shifts, we'll feel something banging on our butts - it's Dan jumping up and whacking us!
Today, I went in there and he attached himself to my leg, like a little kid does, and I was able to walk around a bit with him like that. As I said...toooooo cute! And such a terror!
Here's a page I just posted over on ScrapbookFlair, showing the latest pics of Dan:
And here's a quick slideshow I created that sort of shows the construction of the page (but not really, as anyone who digi-scraps knows, it's not quite this easy sometimes!).
It has music, so turn your speakers down if you're looking while you're at work, LOL!
The kit used is a freebie (!) called I Meowww You by Honey Designs, and it's available at
Of Mice and Cats (an American Classic)
By Rocky Williams
I'm currently serving time at the Fleabag Prison with two other feline felons, so I thought it might be fun to tell you a story from my ‘Verminator’ days. They’re just a memory for me now, because I'm under house arrest for ankle biting, toe nibbling, counter surfing and other unmentionable crimes. Hence, I have nothing but time to tell a little cat-and-mouse tale. Steinbeck, eat your heart out!
Once upon a time, I had a job as Chief Verminator of Rodent Valley, California. It was a wonderful place for felines, but not so much for humans since the mice, rats and gophers outnumbered them by the thousands. Catching a rodent was a daily event for me, but not because I took my job seriously. I mean really…what else did I have to do all day?
So one day I caught a rat and promptly took him inside so the Warden could see what a good job I was doing as Chief Verminator. I hoped she would reward me with some of that yummy FELIDAE kibble I’m crazy for, but when I dropped him at her feet she screamed “Rocky, get that THING out of here!” Her lack of appreciation for my wonderful gift was appalling. I proceeded to play two-paw soccer with my rat, which I'd named Ben, but after awhile I lost interest in this little game and looked away.
Unfortunately, Ben seized the opportunity to make a run for it, and he got away from me! The Warden saw Ben scamper behind the stove. I pretended that I didn't see anything. Rat? What rat? Hmmm…I didn’t see a rat, did you? I nonchalantly licked my paws and sauntered away.
The warden, mouth agape, stared at my backside as I ambled out of the room. I think I heard her calling after me. She might have said something like, “Rocky, come back here and get that THING out from behind the stove.” But if she had said that, what did she expect me to do? The space Ben crawled under is one inch at best, and I'm a big lad. I couldn't fit under there even I'd wanted to go after him, which I didn't.
I casually looked over my shoulder. The Warden was still staring at the stove and then back to me. I plopped myself on the couch, because I was overdue for a nap. The Warden was beside herself; she didn’t know what to do. I heard her talking on the phone, and she mentioned she had a mouse living behind the stove. Hahaha! Evidently, she didn’t notice that this ‘mouse’ had an 8” tale!
As if her mistaking a rat for a mouse wasn't funny enough, the next day the Warden found out Ben had taken up residence under the kitchen sink. He was building a little nest out of rags and making himself right at home. The Warden is such a softy when it comes to animals, and I suppose she thought Ben was hungry because she left him some peanut butter on a cracker. The next day, it was gone so apparently Ben liked his snack.
Days went by. The Warden was trying to figure out what to do about the mouse. A friend said they had a humane trap she could borrow. Hooray – Ben is saved! Oops, false alarm; they couldn't find it. The Warden looked for a humane trap at every town within flying distance on her broom, but she couldn't find one.
After a few weeks of Ben gorging himself on PB & C and leaving little droppings behind (his way of saying thanks, I'm sure), the Warden finally broke down and bought a regular mouse trap. She baited it with Ben's usual snack and waited. For three days, she checked the trap and breathed a sigh of relief that the cracker sat untouched. She really didn’t want to hurt Ben, but didn’t know what else to do.
On the fourth day, the Warden’s friend found her humane trap after all. Oh joy! The Warden skipped happily into the house and told me that Ben was finally saved. She opened the cupboard door and there lay Ben, stiffer than a board, cracker crumbs still on his little mouth. The Warden was very sad, even when she discovered that her ‘pet mouse’ was actually a rat. Me? Not so much. I’m a cat after all, and I took my job as Chief Verminator very seriously. Well, not really. I worked solely for the great benefits, aka, the endless bowl of FELIDAE cat food and the nightly Tidnips™ treats. Now THAT is what matters most to a cat!
~ The End ~
Photo by Denis Defreyne
Read more articles by Rocky Williams
I'm currently serving time at the Fleabag Prison with two other feline felons, so I thought it might be fun to tell you a story from my ‘Verminator’ days. They’re just a memory for me now, because I'm under house arrest for ankle biting, toe nibbling, counter surfing and other unmentionable crimes. Hence, I have nothing but time to tell a little cat-and-mouse tale. Steinbeck, eat your heart out!
Once upon a time, I had a job as Chief Verminator of Rodent Valley, California. It was a wonderful place for felines, but not so much for humans since the mice, rats and gophers outnumbered them by the thousands. Catching a rodent was a daily event for me, but not because I took my job seriously. I mean really…what else did I have to do all day?
So one day I caught a rat and promptly took him inside so the Warden could see what a good job I was doing as Chief Verminator. I hoped she would reward me with some of that yummy FELIDAE kibble I’m crazy for, but when I dropped him at her feet she screamed “Rocky, get that THING out of here!” Her lack of appreciation for my wonderful gift was appalling. I proceeded to play two-paw soccer with my rat, which I'd named Ben, but after awhile I lost interest in this little game and looked away.
Unfortunately, Ben seized the opportunity to make a run for it, and he got away from me! The Warden saw Ben scamper behind the stove. I pretended that I didn't see anything. Rat? What rat? Hmmm…I didn’t see a rat, did you? I nonchalantly licked my paws and sauntered away.
The warden, mouth agape, stared at my backside as I ambled out of the room. I think I heard her calling after me. She might have said something like, “Rocky, come back here and get that THING out from behind the stove.” But if she had said that, what did she expect me to do? The space Ben crawled under is one inch at best, and I'm a big lad. I couldn't fit under there even I'd wanted to go after him, which I didn't.
I casually looked over my shoulder. The Warden was still staring at the stove and then back to me. I plopped myself on the couch, because I was overdue for a nap. The Warden was beside herself; she didn’t know what to do. I heard her talking on the phone, and she mentioned she had a mouse living behind the stove. Hahaha! Evidently, she didn’t notice that this ‘mouse’ had an 8” tale!
As if her mistaking a rat for a mouse wasn't funny enough, the next day the Warden found out Ben had taken up residence under the kitchen sink. He was building a little nest out of rags and making himself right at home. The Warden is such a softy when it comes to animals, and I suppose she thought Ben was hungry because she left him some peanut butter on a cracker. The next day, it was gone so apparently Ben liked his snack.
Days went by. The Warden was trying to figure out what to do about the mouse. A friend said they had a humane trap she could borrow. Hooray – Ben is saved! Oops, false alarm; they couldn't find it. The Warden looked for a humane trap at every town within flying distance on her broom, but she couldn't find one.
After a few weeks of Ben gorging himself on PB & C and leaving little droppings behind (his way of saying thanks, I'm sure), the Warden finally broke down and bought a regular mouse trap. She baited it with Ben's usual snack and waited. For three days, she checked the trap and breathed a sigh of relief that the cracker sat untouched. She really didn’t want to hurt Ben, but didn’t know what else to do.
On the fourth day, the Warden’s friend found her humane trap after all. Oh joy! The Warden skipped happily into the house and told me that Ben was finally saved. She opened the cupboard door and there lay Ben, stiffer than a board, cracker crumbs still on his little mouth. The Warden was very sad, even when she discovered that her ‘pet mouse’ was actually a rat. Me? Not so much. I’m a cat after all, and I took my job as Chief Verminator very seriously. Well, not really. I worked solely for the great benefits, aka, the endless bowl of FELIDAE cat food and the nightly Tidnips™ treats. Now THAT is what matters most to a cat!
~ The End ~
Photo by Denis Defreyne
Read more articles by Rocky Williams
Felidae cat food,
Rocky Williams,
working cats
Friday Funnies
Kelly has been consorting with the cartoonists, and here she is, featured in two different, fantastic cartoons!
From the great website, Life with Dogs, cartoonist Jason Dodge created this cartoon, based on input from me and Kelly:

And, here is a cartoon by the talented duo, Jim and Bruce, at Draw the Dog, inspired by Kelly's own unique snuggling location!

Happy Friday!
Peggy and Kelly
From the great website, Life with Dogs, cartoonist Jason Dodge created this cartoon, based on input from me and Kelly:

And, here is a cartoon by the talented duo, Jim and Bruce, at Draw the Dog, inspired by Kelly's own unique snuggling location!

Happy Friday!
Peggy and Kelly
Draw the Dog,
funny dogs,
Life With Dogs
Are monkey experiments justified?
Animal welfare groups opposed to experimentation on monkeys called again for the practice to be banned outright.
Bateson's report stated that the practice should continue and finds the current work to be generally of good quality. But also voiced concern that no clear scientific, medical or social benefits had emerged from nearly one in 10 projects.
It also said that in a minority of experiments, the justification for using monkeys was "not compelling".
april fools,
Dog Health: Preventing and Treating Calluses
By Linda Cole
If your dog is anything like mine, he probably prefers snoozing on the couch or on a comfy chair rather than on the floor. I don't mind sharing the couch with my dogs, because the softer padding helps protect them from developing calluses. Dogs can get calluses on their elbows and other areas of the body, just like we get them on our feet or hands. They aren't life threatening and usually don't bother the dog, but they can become a problem if they turn into sores. If you see gray, bare spots on your dog's elbow, those are calluses. These can be prevented and treated.
Calluses form on a dog's elbows, hips, and other areas of the body when the dog sleeps on hard surfaces – basically any place on their body where they are resting on a bony area. Calluses are sometimes called pressure sores and can turn into an abscess or an ulcer. Larger dogs are more susceptible to developing calluses, but any dog that spends too much time sleeping or laying on a hard surface can get them.
Summer is a prime time for dogs to develop calluses because they seek out the coolest area they can find to take a snooze. Cement located under a shade tree is a favorite resting spot because the cool surface feels good to them. Shaded decks and tile blocks are also great places to lie on during the summer. Dogs that pick hard surfaces to sleep on should have their elbows, hips and legs inspected regularly.
Calluses can easily be prevented by providing your dog with soft bedding to sleep on. However, dogs aren't always cooperative and most have a mind of their own when it comes to snoozing where they want to, especially when it's hot. Dogs that spend a lot of time outside may find a cooling bed to their liking, and even inside dogs can benefit from this type of bed instead of sleeping on a hard surface all the time. Cooling beds are filled with water and as long as you keep it out of the sun, it will help keep your dog cooler and help prevent the development of calluses. Any type of raised bed will work as long as your dog finds it comfortable and cool. I set up some old beach lounge chairs my dogs like to sleep on when they're outside for an extended time during the summer.
Some dogs will flop down on the floor or on any surface, even cement, and the pressure on the skin over a bony area can be damaged with repeated bumps to these areas. As long as the calluses don't turn into pressure sores or more serious problems, like an ulcer or an abscess, calluses aren't a problem. But you should always keep an eye on any skin condition to make sure it doesn't get worse.
Older dogs or dogs with medical problems that lay in one spot for long periods of time can develop bedsores. Lying down for too long in one spot can cause the skin to lose normal circulation and the skin cells die. These types of sores can be really hard to treat; they are painful for the dog and can easily become infected. Older and sick dogs should definitely have a soft surface to sleep on, and they should be encouraged to move every 30 minutes or so to help prevent bedsores from developing.
Calluses can be treated with liquid vitamin E to help soften the skin. The vitamin E will also help heal the skin and allow the hair to grow back. A word of warning about vitamin E – it's greasy and you won't want your dog on your good furniture because it will leave a stain. Try not to let him lick the area where you applied the vitamin E. It won't hurt him if he does lick it, but the licking isn't good for his skin. However, when in doubt it’s always wise to discuss your dog's health with your vet before using any kind of over-the- counter medications or supplements.
If your dog has developed calluses, keep an eye on them to make sure they don't turn into sores. If your dog appears to be in pain when lying down, standing up or when walking, you should make an appointment with your vet for professional advice. Most of the time a callus is nothing to be concerned about and with a watchful eye and soft bedding to sleep on, your dog can be comfy and free of bare spots on his elbows.
Photo by Meredith Harris
Read more articles by Linda Cole
If your dog is anything like mine, he probably prefers snoozing on the couch or on a comfy chair rather than on the floor. I don't mind sharing the couch with my dogs, because the softer padding helps protect them from developing calluses. Dogs can get calluses on their elbows and other areas of the body, just like we get them on our feet or hands. They aren't life threatening and usually don't bother the dog, but they can become a problem if they turn into sores. If you see gray, bare spots on your dog's elbow, those are calluses. These can be prevented and treated.
Calluses form on a dog's elbows, hips, and other areas of the body when the dog sleeps on hard surfaces – basically any place on their body where they are resting on a bony area. Calluses are sometimes called pressure sores and can turn into an abscess or an ulcer. Larger dogs are more susceptible to developing calluses, but any dog that spends too much time sleeping or laying on a hard surface can get them.
Summer is a prime time for dogs to develop calluses because they seek out the coolest area they can find to take a snooze. Cement located under a shade tree is a favorite resting spot because the cool surface feels good to them. Shaded decks and tile blocks are also great places to lie on during the summer. Dogs that pick hard surfaces to sleep on should have their elbows, hips and legs inspected regularly.
Calluses can easily be prevented by providing your dog with soft bedding to sleep on. However, dogs aren't always cooperative and most have a mind of their own when it comes to snoozing where they want to, especially when it's hot. Dogs that spend a lot of time outside may find a cooling bed to their liking, and even inside dogs can benefit from this type of bed instead of sleeping on a hard surface all the time. Cooling beds are filled with water and as long as you keep it out of the sun, it will help keep your dog cooler and help prevent the development of calluses. Any type of raised bed will work as long as your dog finds it comfortable and cool. I set up some old beach lounge chairs my dogs like to sleep on when they're outside for an extended time during the summer.
Some dogs will flop down on the floor or on any surface, even cement, and the pressure on the skin over a bony area can be damaged with repeated bumps to these areas. As long as the calluses don't turn into pressure sores or more serious problems, like an ulcer or an abscess, calluses aren't a problem. But you should always keep an eye on any skin condition to make sure it doesn't get worse.
Older dogs or dogs with medical problems that lay in one spot for long periods of time can develop bedsores. Lying down for too long in one spot can cause the skin to lose normal circulation and the skin cells die. These types of sores can be really hard to treat; they are painful for the dog and can easily become infected. Older and sick dogs should definitely have a soft surface to sleep on, and they should be encouraged to move every 30 minutes or so to help prevent bedsores from developing.
Calluses can be treated with liquid vitamin E to help soften the skin. The vitamin E will also help heal the skin and allow the hair to grow back. A word of warning about vitamin E – it's greasy and you won't want your dog on your good furniture because it will leave a stain. Try not to let him lick the area where you applied the vitamin E. It won't hurt him if he does lick it, but the licking isn't good for his skin. However, when in doubt it’s always wise to discuss your dog's health with your vet before using any kind of over-the- counter medications or supplements.
If your dog has developed calluses, keep an eye on them to make sure they don't turn into sores. If your dog appears to be in pain when lying down, standing up or when walking, you should make an appointment with your vet for professional advice. Most of the time a callus is nothing to be concerned about and with a watchful eye and soft bedding to sleep on, your dog can be comfy and free of bare spots on his elbows.
Photo by Meredith Harris
Read more articles by Linda Cole
canine health,
Linda Cole,
skin conditions
The importance of calm assertiveness
A guest post from
When you welcome a dog into your home, you're not simply gaining a pet, but a new state of mind.
This fact quickly became clear to me when my husband and I got two lab mix puppies. The oldest, Shammy, is about 5 months old, while Dozer is 10 weeks. In hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea to get puppies so close in age simply because of the time requirement, but since I'm a housewife, I have the time to make it work.
When you bring a dog in, you go from an individual, or a house full of individuals, to a pack. To understand how a pack works, think about a time when you were around someone who was feeling a certain way -- whether sad, angry or even happy -- and how it started to affect your mood. Multiply that by the number of animals and people in your household and you get an idea of how a pack works. When you bring a dog into your house, you are bringing an animal who is literally hardwired to be your lifelong companion. Dogs are empathetic to their humans in a way no other animal, including other people, can be. Because of this, owning a dog means you have to be more in touch with your feelings, and through that, the feelings of your household.
My pack consists of myself, my husband, two cats and our two aforementioned puppies. We act as one symbiotic entity. If one of us is sad, angry or frustrated, it carries through to the rest of the household. If I wake up in a bad mood, the dogs are unmanageable and hyper, the cats are racing around the house and even my husband is grousing. But I find that if I can find that center, the calm assertiveness that is the foundation of a good working relationship with animals, then it's like night and day. By taking a few moments in the morning to breathe, to relax, to envision the day that I want to happen, I find that it helps stop a majority of the craziness. Add in exercise, training and a set routine and the battle for a peaceful, animal-loving household is already won.
As dog owners, we cannot allow ourselves the luxury of giving in to our anger and frustration. Will we feel these things at times? Yes. But much like a conscientious parent, we have to have the wherewithal to rein it in quick before it disrupts the pack.
So what is calm assertiveness? Simple. Think of someone in your past, whether it's a relative, teacher or other influential person in your life. Was this person someone you obeyed out of fear, obligation or respect? If the answer is respect, then that's the assertiveness. Next, picture how you felt around them. What kind of "aura" surrounded them? Hectic and worried or peaceful and tranquil? It's pretty obvious where the calm is there.
For some people, simply imagining how that person would react in a given situation is enough, but for me it isn't. Instead, I try to think of times before where I myself felt calm assertiveness. I think of writing, editing and publishing, which are all areas in which I feel very confident. I call forth that same strength in hectic times to ground myself.
Calm assertiveness is a must for dog training, but it is also useful in life in general. The next time you find yourself getting annoyed at a situation, find that center and try facing it with calm assertiveness. You will be amazed at how much easier even the toughest obstacles can become.
When you welcome a dog into your home, you're not simply gaining a pet, but a new state of mind.
This fact quickly became clear to me when my husband and I got two lab mix puppies. The oldest, Shammy, is about 5 months old, while Dozer is 10 weeks. In hindsight it probably wasn't the best idea to get puppies so close in age simply because of the time requirement, but since I'm a housewife, I have the time to make it work.
When you bring a dog in, you go from an individual, or a house full of individuals, to a pack. To understand how a pack works, think about a time when you were around someone who was feeling a certain way -- whether sad, angry or even happy -- and how it started to affect your mood. Multiply that by the number of animals and people in your household and you get an idea of how a pack works. When you bring a dog into your house, you are bringing an animal who is literally hardwired to be your lifelong companion. Dogs are empathetic to their humans in a way no other animal, including other people, can be. Because of this, owning a dog means you have to be more in touch with your feelings, and through that, the feelings of your household.
My pack consists of myself, my husband, two cats and our two aforementioned puppies. We act as one symbiotic entity. If one of us is sad, angry or frustrated, it carries through to the rest of the household. If I wake up in a bad mood, the dogs are unmanageable and hyper, the cats are racing around the house and even my husband is grousing. But I find that if I can find that center, the calm assertiveness that is the foundation of a good working relationship with animals, then it's like night and day. By taking a few moments in the morning to breathe, to relax, to envision the day that I want to happen, I find that it helps stop a majority of the craziness. Add in exercise, training and a set routine and the battle for a peaceful, animal-loving household is already won.
As dog owners, we cannot allow ourselves the luxury of giving in to our anger and frustration. Will we feel these things at times? Yes. But much like a conscientious parent, we have to have the wherewithal to rein it in quick before it disrupts the pack.
So what is calm assertiveness? Simple. Think of someone in your past, whether it's a relative, teacher or other influential person in your life. Was this person someone you obeyed out of fear, obligation or respect? If the answer is respect, then that's the assertiveness. Next, picture how you felt around them. What kind of "aura" surrounded them? Hectic and worried or peaceful and tranquil? It's pretty obvious where the calm is there.
For some people, simply imagining how that person would react in a given situation is enough, but for me it isn't. Instead, I try to think of times before where I myself felt calm assertiveness. I think of writing, editing and publishing, which are all areas in which I feel very confident. I call forth that same strength in hectic times to ground myself.
Calm assertiveness is a must for dog training, but it is also useful in life in general. The next time you find yourself getting annoyed at a situation, find that center and try facing it with calm assertiveness. You will be amazed at how much easier even the toughest obstacles can become.
Guest Blogger,
The cutest thing you'll see today
Photo by Stephanie S. Cordle of the Post-Dispatch.
Ten Important Phone Numbers for Pet Parents
By Julia Williams
When it comes to responsible pet ownership, there’s no such thing as being too prepared, or having too much information. We all know how important it is to keep the telephone number for our pet's veterinarian close at hand. We also need to have the number and location of the nearest emergency vet hospital in case our pet gets sick or injured on weekends or after hours. In addition to those two essential telephone numbers, there are many others a pet owner might need at one time or another.
In an emergency, it’s much better to be prepared and know who to call than to be frantically searching for a phone number. The one thing you do NOT want to do in an emergency is search the internet for phone numbers. This is likely a waste of time because, as I discovered while doing research for this article, much of the information is outdated and the numbers are disconnected. I’ve only included numbers here that I could verify. Some are toll free numbers, but others may incur long distance charges depending upon your phone service. Also note that some may only be staffed Monday through Friday during regular business.
● ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: 1 888 426 4435
If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, you can call this poison control center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The cost for a poison-related emergency consultation with a veterinarian or toxicologist is $65, which can be billed to your credit card.
● Pet Poison Helpline: 1 800 213 6680
This 24-hour animal poison control service for the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean charges a $35 per incident fee, payable by credit card. This fee covers the initial consultation as well as all follow-up calls associated with the management of the case.
● Spay/USA Helpline: 1 800 248 7729
This national spay/neuter referral service can help you find a low cost clinic in your area. Their mission is to reduce pet overpopulation by making spay/neuter services affordable to everyone who has a cat or a dog. Phone counselors are available M-F from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST.
● CANIDAE Pet Food Customer Service: 800 398-1600
Call this number if you have questions about what food to feed your pet, or other food related questions. Such as: Is a grain free diet right for my dog or cat? Should I switch my senior pet to a formula designed specifically for older animals? What protein sources are good for a pet with allergies? How much food should I feed my pet every day?
● The Animal Legal Defense Fund: 707 795 2533
The nonprofit ALDF was founded in 1979 by attorneys active in shaping the emerging field of animal law. Contact them if you have questions about animal neglect or abuse, pet related landlord-tenant issues, pet custody concerns during a divorce, or if you need information on how to include animals in your will.
● ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline: 877 474 3310
This program was created to help pet owners who are dealing with the loss of a pet. You can also call them for assistance with the decision to euthanize, advice on how to help children, disabled individuals and other family pets who are grieving the loss of their companion, and help establishing a relationship with a new pet.
● Pet Travel Information: 877 241 0184
If you’re planning to travel with your pet by plane, train or cruise ship, call for information on regulations and restrictions, pet container requirements, vet certificates, and clearing security.
● Pet Airways: 1 888 738 2479
The world’s first pet-only airline currently transports four-legged passengers between nine major U.S. cities, with several more in the works.
● Animal Behavior Hotline: 312 644 8338, ext. 343
Behavior specialists are available to answer questions and provide solutions on everything from separation anxiety to aggression.
● Lyme Disease Foundation: 860 870 0070
The LDF is a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding solutions for tick-borne disorders. Call them if you need information on tick-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Colorado Tick Fever.
Part of being a responsible pet owner is being as prepared as possible for any situation that might arise. I hope you find the above phone numbers to be a useful resource, and if you know of any other important phone numbers for pet owners, please leave a comment so I can add it to the article.
Photo by Alessio Michelini
Read more articles by Julia Williams
When it comes to responsible pet ownership, there’s no such thing as being too prepared, or having too much information. We all know how important it is to keep the telephone number for our pet's veterinarian close at hand. We also need to have the number and location of the nearest emergency vet hospital in case our pet gets sick or injured on weekends or after hours. In addition to those two essential telephone numbers, there are many others a pet owner might need at one time or another.
In an emergency, it’s much better to be prepared and know who to call than to be frantically searching for a phone number. The one thing you do NOT want to do in an emergency is search the internet for phone numbers. This is likely a waste of time because, as I discovered while doing research for this article, much of the information is outdated and the numbers are disconnected. I’ve only included numbers here that I could verify. Some are toll free numbers, but others may incur long distance charges depending upon your phone service. Also note that some may only be staffed Monday through Friday during regular business.
● ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center: 1 888 426 4435
If you think your pet may have ingested a potentially poisonous substance, you can call this poison control center 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The cost for a poison-related emergency consultation with a veterinarian or toxicologist is $65, which can be billed to your credit card.
● Pet Poison Helpline: 1 800 213 6680
This 24-hour animal poison control service for the U.S., Canada, and the Caribbean charges a $35 per incident fee, payable by credit card. This fee covers the initial consultation as well as all follow-up calls associated with the management of the case.
● Spay/USA Helpline: 1 800 248 7729
This national spay/neuter referral service can help you find a low cost clinic in your area. Their mission is to reduce pet overpopulation by making spay/neuter services affordable to everyone who has a cat or a dog. Phone counselors are available M-F from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EST.
● CANIDAE Pet Food Customer Service: 800 398-1600
Call this number if you have questions about what food to feed your pet, or other food related questions. Such as: Is a grain free diet right for my dog or cat? Should I switch my senior pet to a formula designed specifically for older animals? What protein sources are good for a pet with allergies? How much food should I feed my pet every day?
● The Animal Legal Defense Fund: 707 795 2533
The nonprofit ALDF was founded in 1979 by attorneys active in shaping the emerging field of animal law. Contact them if you have questions about animal neglect or abuse, pet related landlord-tenant issues, pet custody concerns during a divorce, or if you need information on how to include animals in your will.
● ASPCA Pet Loss Hotline: 877 474 3310
This program was created to help pet owners who are dealing with the loss of a pet. You can also call them for assistance with the decision to euthanize, advice on how to help children, disabled individuals and other family pets who are grieving the loss of their companion, and help establishing a relationship with a new pet.
● Pet Travel Information: 877 241 0184
If you’re planning to travel with your pet by plane, train or cruise ship, call for information on regulations and restrictions, pet container requirements, vet certificates, and clearing security.
● Pet Airways: 1 888 738 2479
The world’s first pet-only airline currently transports four-legged passengers between nine major U.S. cities, with several more in the works.
● Animal Behavior Hotline: 312 644 8338, ext. 343
Behavior specialists are available to answer questions and provide solutions on everything from separation anxiety to aggression.
● Lyme Disease Foundation: 860 870 0070
The LDF is a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding solutions for tick-borne disorders. Call them if you need information on tick-borne diseases such as Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Colorado Tick Fever.
Part of being a responsible pet owner is being as prepared as possible for any situation that might arise. I hope you find the above phone numbers to be a useful resource, and if you know of any other important phone numbers for pet owners, please leave a comment so I can add it to the article.
Photo by Alessio Michelini
Read more articles by Julia Williams
Julia Williams,
Lyme disease,
pet travel,
Wednesday Pet Roundup

* Tips for taking your dog to the beach: The Washington Post says beware of seagulls, starfish and sand crabs.
* From PetMD, if you haven't seen this already, check out the Australian lab who not only love swimming, but this dog chased off sharks!
* Swimming's not just for the dog. From Today.msnbc, this cat likes to swim...and it's helping him walk again, too!
* I'm still laughing at this one! The wonderful Life with Dogs did it again, and alerted me to this hysterical video! Gus gets an indoor pool!
World Record Pets
Hercules |
Do you believe your pet has what it takes to break a world record? Oh sure, we all think our pets are award winners, because we love them. But people and their pets have set world records for many years, and these records aren’t easily broken. Take a gander at these incredible animals and how they found their way into the books.
Got a big dog or cat on your hands? To break the record, your dog needs to outsize Hercules, a friendly English Mastiff, weighing in at 282 pounds. A gentle dog with a 38-inch neck, Hercules barreled into the record books after the passing of yet another English Mastiff who weighed 296 pounds. The distinction for the tallest dog goes to Giant George, a blue Great Dane standing at 43 inches.
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Stewie |
There have been some pretty big kitties too! The longest cat award is currently held by Stewie of Nevada, a 48.5 inch long Maine Coon. The largest cat on record weighed in at over 46 pounds: dearly departed Himmey, with a 15 inch neck, a 33 inch waist, and 38 inches from nose to tail.
If you have a tiny pet, they have big shoes to fill to break a world record too. Lengthwise, the tiniest dog on record is a Chihuahua named Heaven Sent Brandy who measures a staggering 6 inches from the tip of her nose to the tip of her tail tip. The lightest dog record is yet another Chihuahua named Ducky, weighing in at 1.4 pounds.
The smallest cat on record is Mr. Peebles from Illinois, weighing in at about 3 pounds, while Tinker Toy, a Himalayan-Persian stands the shortest at 2.75 inches tall and 7.5 inches long. Amusingly, the smallest cat is larger than the smallest dog! Those poor tiny dogs probably suffer from small dog syndrome even if they are record holders!
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Brett Lee |
There are also records to chase for athletic dog owners—the fastest runner was Australian “wonder dog” Brett Lee, who covered a race distance of 563 yards in 28.88 seconds. The Guinness World Record Holder for the highest jump by a dog is held by Cinderella May, who cleared 68 inches in 2006. Not surprisingly, these record holders are both Greyhounds, a breed generally known as the fastest dog, with recorded sprint speeds of up to 45 miles per hour.
The most proficient swimmer is a Labrador mix named Umbra, who has dog-paddled over 600 miles of swim-time. Cats may not be big on athletic displays, but record seeking felines have sure found ways to make up for it. 28,899 ways in fact, which is the number of mice caught by Scotland’s prolific mouser Towser over her 24 year lifetime. (The figure was extrapolated by watching Towser do her thing for a number of days and computed mathematically.)
The oldest cat ever according to Guinness is Creme Puff, who lived an astounding 38 years and 3 days! Old timers in the dog world defer to the Australian Cattle Dog Bluey, who passed away at 29 years and 5 months. We love our pets so much, I’m sure we all wish they could live to such ripe old ages.
World record pets may wow the world by being the longest, fastest, tallest or oldest, but every pet is special in its own right. Love them dearly, treat them right, and give them lots of yummy CANIDAE TidNips treats – then your pet will know what it feels like to be an award winning animal. They’ll have the award of being YOUR beloved pet!
Read more articles by Suzanne Alicie
A Hospice Patient Talks About Pet Peace of Mind

"A 77 year old hospice patient, Barbara, lives alone with her aging cat, Franz Kafka. Since February, PPOM has provided cat food, kitty litter and cat treats for Franz. In addition, Franz has been taken to the vet three times for blood tests and a skin condition. PPOM has paid for the necessary visits and medication. This patient is extremely grateful to the program for the care and support provided for her 'family.' We discussed the possibility of using our working relationship with the local humane society to find a home for Franz, but the patient was able to find a home for him with a friend. Recently, Barbara consented to be interviewed by one of our PPOM Volunteers. Here's what she had to say about PPOM. 'If you are at home and in hospice, you want to keep your pet with you as long as possible. Eventually he will go with a friend of mine who lives in California, but until that time, I want Franz to be happy. I am very appreciative that this program allows me to get him to the vet when he is ill, to get his ears cleaned or his nails clipped. The vet service is expensive and a lot of people can't afford care for their pet. This program allows me to do the best for him and respects the fact that my pet is very important to me, especially when I am ill.'"
Not long after Barbara gave this interview, Franz left to go to his new home in California. In order to support her through the separation, our PPOM volunteer brought the patient framed pictures that he took of her and her cat during his visit. Barbara was deeply touched by this gift.
How to Turn an Empty Dog Food Bag into a Tote
By Karen P., CANIDAE Customer
Editor's Note: CANIDAE recently posted the photo for these cool repurposed dog food bags on their Facebook page. Many people asked for instructions on how to make them, so we asked Karen to share that here on the blog.
1. Cut dog food bag open, lay it flat, and wipe the inside with a damp cloth. See the image at left to know where to cut. (Click here for a larger version.)
2. Using tissue or newspaper, measure and cut out a template, much like making a pattern for a dress. You're basically making a rectangle, but with notched-out corners. Your rectangle should be 19 1/2" wide, by 17 1/2" tall. Then, notch out a 3" by 3" corner on the bottom left and bottom right, like in the drawing.
3. Place your new template over the clean food bag. You need to make two identical cut-outs with your template. One will become the front of your repurposed bag, the other the back. Draw lines at edge of template with your marker. Then move the template and trace the second cut-out.
4. Use your scissors to cut the bag to match the templates you traced. You should have identically sized pieces after cutting.
5. Lay out both front and back pieces label side down.
6. Overlap the two 3 inch sections that will make up the bottom of the bag.
7. Duct tape the inside seam together, turn over, then use the clear tape over the seam on the outside.
8. Start folding the bag up using the same overlapping idea, using the duct tape on the inside seams and the clear tape on the outside seams.
9. Once the bag is basically together, make a 2 inch cut at the top of each of the 4 corners, fold the edges in and secure down with the duct tape (the duct tape will cover the unevenness of the inside edge).
10. With the remaining “scraps” cut two strips 20 inches long and 1/2 inch wide.
11. Lay out a piece of clear tape, sticky side up and center the 1/2 inch strip. Fold the tape over the strip in a tri-fold fashion (I used several short pieces of the clear tape). Repeat with the second strip. These will become your handles.
12. Attach the handles approximately 3 inches in from each side as shown. That's it. Now you have a great bag to take to the dog park!
Editor's Note: CANIDAE recently posted the photo for these cool repurposed dog food bags on their Facebook page. Many people asked for instructions on how to make them, so we asked Karen to share that here on the blog.
- CANIDAE dog food bag (dimensions are from a 30 lb bag)
- Duct tape
- Clear packing tape
- Scissors
- Tissue or newspaper (for making a template)
- Permanent marker

1. Cut dog food bag open, lay it flat, and wipe the inside with a damp cloth. See the image at left to know where to cut. (Click here for a larger version.)
2. Using tissue or newspaper, measure and cut out a template, much like making a pattern for a dress. You're basically making a rectangle, but with notched-out corners. Your rectangle should be 19 1/2" wide, by 17 1/2" tall. Then, notch out a 3" by 3" corner on the bottom left and bottom right, like in the drawing.
3. Place your new template over the clean food bag. You need to make two identical cut-outs with your template. One will become the front of your repurposed bag, the other the back. Draw lines at edge of template with your marker. Then move the template and trace the second cut-out.
4. Use your scissors to cut the bag to match the templates you traced. You should have identically sized pieces after cutting.
5. Lay out both front and back pieces label side down.
6. Overlap the two 3 inch sections that will make up the bottom of the bag.
7. Duct tape the inside seam together, turn over, then use the clear tape over the seam on the outside.

9. Once the bag is basically together, make a 2 inch cut at the top of each of the 4 corners, fold the edges in and secure down with the duct tape (the duct tape will cover the unevenness of the inside edge).
10. With the remaining “scraps” cut two strips 20 inches long and 1/2 inch wide.
11. Lay out a piece of clear tape, sticky side up and center the 1/2 inch strip. Fold the tape over the strip in a tri-fold fashion (I used several short pieces of the clear tape). Repeat with the second strip. These will become your handles.
12. Attach the handles approximately 3 inches in from each side as shown. That's it. Now you have a great bag to take to the dog park!
dog food bags
Reducing Pet Allergens in the Home
Guest post by Abby Snyder ~
Pet dander is a common culprit for many allergy symptoms, but for those of us with allergies; it's certainly not always the cause. I blamed my constant stuffiness on my dog's dander for years - only to realize it was actually my apartment that was setting off my sneezes. Looking back I realize the allergens were everywhere - floating in the air, stuck the carpet, or hiding behind every bookshelf - and I wasn't doing a thing about it
After moving to a new place and following some simple cleaning tips, both my dog and I are enjoying cleaner, allergen-free air. Some good recommendations include taking as many of the following steps as possible to eliminate allergens to your home:
Establish a weekly cleaning routine. This includes a complete clean of floors, doors, sheets, furniture, windowsills and window frames. If it can collect dust or potentially grow mold, it should be cleaned. Changing or cleaning your heating and cooling filters is also recommended to improve your indoor air quality.
Watch your temperature and humidity. Keeping the temperature of your home at 70 F (21 C) and a relative humidity of no higher than 50% will prevent dust mites and mold from growing. Dehumidifiers and air purification systems can also help ensure clean, dry circulating air.
Eliminate mold. Keeping warm air out and dehumidifiers and air conditioners on helps keep your air fresh and also prevents mold from growing. To rid your home of mold, any non-washable materials, such as carpeting, need to be disposed of. Washable materials can be washed with a 5% chlorine bleach solution.
Exterminate pests. Not only are pests kind of creepy and unwelcome in our homes, they can also leave behind an allergy triggering residue. These residues can be removed by thoroughly vacuuming your carpets and washing hard surfaces. Infestation problems can be controlled with inexpensive traps, home bug sprays, or calling an exterminator for severe cases.
Don't smoke inside. Polluted air doesn't necessarily cause allergies, but it does irritate the nose and lungs. This can increase the likely-hood of suffering from allergy symptoms.
These may seem like a lot of work if you've never done them before, but I can assure you that the relief my dog has experienced from my beginning this regimen has been stunning. Remember, our pets usually depend on us to figure out what's ailing them, and I'm happiest when I know my dog is happy and not suffering. Oh, and my own relief from allergies is the extra bonus!
Abby Snyder has loved dogs ever since received her first pooch kiss as a baby. She writes for on how homeowners can save money on their heating and cooling bills. provides comprehensive, unbiased data and consumer product information on air conditioners, boilers, furnaces and heat pumps.
Pet dander is a common culprit for many allergy symptoms, but for those of us with allergies; it's certainly not always the cause. I blamed my constant stuffiness on my dog's dander for years - only to realize it was actually my apartment that was setting off my sneezes. Looking back I realize the allergens were everywhere - floating in the air, stuck the carpet, or hiding behind every bookshelf - and I wasn't doing a thing about it
After moving to a new place and following some simple cleaning tips, both my dog and I are enjoying cleaner, allergen-free air. Some good recommendations include taking as many of the following steps as possible to eliminate allergens to your home:
Establish a weekly cleaning routine. This includes a complete clean of floors, doors, sheets, furniture, windowsills and window frames. If it can collect dust or potentially grow mold, it should be cleaned. Changing or cleaning your heating and cooling filters is also recommended to improve your indoor air quality.
Watch your temperature and humidity. Keeping the temperature of your home at 70 F (21 C) and a relative humidity of no higher than 50% will prevent dust mites and mold from growing. Dehumidifiers and air purification systems can also help ensure clean, dry circulating air.
Eliminate mold. Keeping warm air out and dehumidifiers and air conditioners on helps keep your air fresh and also prevents mold from growing. To rid your home of mold, any non-washable materials, such as carpeting, need to be disposed of. Washable materials can be washed with a 5% chlorine bleach solution.
Exterminate pests. Not only are pests kind of creepy and unwelcome in our homes, they can also leave behind an allergy triggering residue. These residues can be removed by thoroughly vacuuming your carpets and washing hard surfaces. Infestation problems can be controlled with inexpensive traps, home bug sprays, or calling an exterminator for severe cases.
Don't smoke inside. Polluted air doesn't necessarily cause allergies, but it does irritate the nose and lungs. This can increase the likely-hood of suffering from allergy symptoms.
These may seem like a lot of work if you've never done them before, but I can assure you that the relief my dog has experienced from my beginning this regimen has been stunning. Remember, our pets usually depend on us to figure out what's ailing them, and I'm happiest when I know my dog is happy and not suffering. Oh, and my own relief from allergies is the extra bonus!
Abby Snyder has loved dogs ever since received her first pooch kiss as a baby. She writes for on how homeowners can save money on their heating and cooling bills. provides comprehensive, unbiased data and consumer product information on air conditioners, boilers, furnaces and heat pumps.
Guest Blogger,
How to Make Your Own Dog Toys
A great website, Wisebread "living large on a small budget" posted 10 DIY dog toys you can make for pennies! These ideas, from Paul Michael, are fantastic!
Here are a few of his great ideas:
1. Place a tennis ball inside an old sock.
2. Tie a knot in the sock above the ball
Kitchen Towel Braids
1. Cut a ratty old kitchen towel with two slits, leaving about an inch at the top, so that you have three equal sections.
2. Braid the three sections.
3. Knot the loose ends.
Milk Bottle Madness
1. Take the cap off a plastic milk jug and throw it away.
2. Put about a dozen or so treats inside.
3. Watch your dog try to get them out!
(**Note: I tried this with Kelly and she chewed apart the milk jug, and got off big hunks of plastic. So if you try this, please watch your dog to make sure they don't get pieces of plastic and swallow them.)
To see all 10 great ideas for inexpensive dog toys you can make with items found around the house, see the complete Wisebread article, 10 DIY Dog Toys you can Make for Pennies.
Dandy-Lion has become Dan!
So our little squirty-boy is growing up. He's no longer "Dandy" but "Dan" and has gone through a number of growth spurts until he's a (still-little) lean, mean, jumping machine! One of these days, he's going to (a) jump over the open Dutch door that leads from the room he's kept in into the kitchen and/or (b) jump into the garbage (oh wait, he's done that already, LOL!) and/or (c) jump into the litter scoop bucket (oh wait, he's done THAT already) and/or (d) start chewing on the blinds (oh yeah, wait, done that too) and/or (e) finally jump up my leg high enough to do damage to me (he gets to mid-thigh now, ouch!).
Here's a page I just made for a challenge over at ScrapbookFlair - Small But Perfectly Formed:
The idea of the challenge is to create a scrap that covers only about a quarter to one-third of the page, but with intricate details. I don't often scrap this way, so I was glad to do this and stretch myself a touch.
(why is that? Why do we always feel the need to always *fill* our pages with "stuff"? Sometimes I think we put too much "stuff" on a page, or make the original image so artistic, to the point that one can't recognize the original image. And I find myself falling into that trap too, though I try not to. Usually, though, my style is pretty traditional, making the photo the focus, and put it prominently on the page)
Anyway, I'm very pleased with how this came out. I got some great shots of Dan yesterday at work (look at those soulful eyes of his!), and this was fun to do, to do the extraction, make the frame, and make it all small, LOL! The kit I used is Angel Baby's Scraps' Sweet Fantasy, and that's just how he looks, like he's having a fantasy about that fairy. Hey, who knows what cats really see, that we can't????
#1 Surgically Removed Item From Dogs & Cats
Dogs and cats commonly eat things that they shouldn't. The problem is that many items can't be digested or passed through the intestine causing a "Foreign Body Obstruction".
An indigestible object can become lodged in the stomach or intestines and may require surgery to remove it. Untreated, ingestion of these types of items can be fatal.
According to Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI), they compiled a list of most common items surgically removed from pets.
Do you know what is #1?
It is the sock!
Here is the list:
Top 10 Surgically Removed Items
1. Socks
2. Underwear
3. Panty Hose
4. Rocks
5. Balls
6. Chew Toys
7. Corn Cobs
8. Bones
9. Hair Ties/Ribbons
10. Sticks
An indigestible object can become lodged in the stomach or intestines and may require surgery to remove it. Untreated, ingestion of these types of items can be fatal.
According to Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI), they compiled a list of most common items surgically removed from pets.
Do you know what is #1?
It is the sock!
Here is the list:
Top 10 Surgically Removed Items
1. Socks
2. Underwear
3. Panty Hose
4. Rocks
5. Balls
6. Chew Toys
7. Corn Cobs
8. Bones
9. Hair Ties/Ribbons
10. Sticks
A Very Wet Dog
Saturday Paws for thought:
Bath Time?!
The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog." - Ambrose Bierce

"Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog." - Franklin P. Jones
Bath Time?!
The most affectionate creature in the world is a wet dog." - Ambrose Bierce
"Anybody who doesn't know what soap tastes like never washed a dog." - Franklin P. Jones
Handicapped Kitty “Willow” Gets a Miracle
By Julia Williams
Facebook has done it again. I’m all teary-eyed because of an incredibly heartwarming story I happened upon. I won’t say “by accident” because I believe there are no such things. I’m convinced that everything and everyone has a purpose, and that every pet was put here on earth for a reason. Sometimes we don’t know what that reason is; other times, it’s crystal clear. In the case of a special kitten named Willow, I think her purpose is to help people see that every pet is precious – even those who some might call “imperfect.” Willow’s motto could be summed up as, “Play the hand that life dealt you, but never stop hoping for a miracle.”
Willow’s touching story began with her birth last December. Her back legs were badly deformed, and her people said she was born that way. They didn’t even bother to name her – they just called her “Cripple.” Although her siblings all found homes, no one wanted the tiny kitten with a deformity.
That is, until fate intervened and a kindhearted woman named Wendy answered an ad for a free crippled kitten. Wendy felt an immediate bond with the little kitty. She didn’t see a kitten whose deformed legs made it extremely difficult for her to walk. She saw a sweet, cute and loving soul who deserved a chance to have a wonderful life despite her handicap. Wendy took her home and named her Willow, because “a beautiful girl deserves a beautiful name.” As the days turned to months, Wendy’s love for Willow grew, and she came to see her as “the most perfect angel in all the earth.”
Wendy built steps so Willow could get up on the furniture and look out the window. She helped Willow as best as she could, but unless something was done, Willow’s legs could develop ulcerations that might lead to infection. Not wanting her baby to be in pain, Wendy prayed for a miracle – she hoped that a doctor could fix Willow’s legs.
Wendy created a Facebook page for Willow, so she could share her story and make friends with other kitties and cat-loving humans. And the friends came…hundreds and hundreds of them! Willow’s new friends were so touched by her story that they sent her lots of great gifts, and medical supplies to help with her care. They raised money so Willow could see an orthopedic vet, and were heartbroken when the doctor said he couldn’t fix Willow’s legs. But that only spurred them on, and these new friends raised more money so Willow could get a specially made wheelchair.
Willow started learning a new way to walk and a new way of life. It was then that Wendy realized they had received the miracle she’d been praying for – but it wasn’t the wheelchair, and it wasn’t even about Willow’s legs. It was about all the love that came to Willow from people all around the world. It was about the support of thousands of compassionate pet lovers rallying to help one little kitty have a better life.
One should never underestimate the power of social networking sites like Facebook. I’ve witnessed time and again the miraculous things that happen when pet lovers come together for a cause they believe in. Thanks to
her wonderful “mom” and the kindness of strangers, a once nameless kitten now has a joyful life. Willow says she is “a very happy little girl who enjoys her life. It is better to have love than legs.”
Willow has also embraced Facebook, and uses her newfound celebricat status to help other kitties. She posts about kitties that need adopting, or kitties whose human guardians need help with medical bills. There’s even a kitty in Egypt that needs a wheelchair, just like Willow did not so long ago. I’ve no doubt that in the years to come, Willow will pay it forward. She will continue to help those less fortunate pets who need their own miracle, and she’ll inspire other humans to help too.
When I contacted Willow’s Mom for permission to use her photos, I found out she just recently switched to FELIDAE and is very happy with it. “Willow eats the FELIDAE Cat and Kitten Formula, and she loves it,” said Wendy. “I personally think FELIDAE is the best cat food out there, and I want only the best for my Willow! We absolutely love FELIDAE...the ingredient list says it all.”
To learn more about Willow, you can watch her YouTube video, and join her on Facebook.
Read more articles by Julia Williams
Facebook has done it again. I’m all teary-eyed because of an incredibly heartwarming story I happened upon. I won’t say “by accident” because I believe there are no such things. I’m convinced that everything and everyone has a purpose, and that every pet was put here on earth for a reason. Sometimes we don’t know what that reason is; other times, it’s crystal clear. In the case of a special kitten named Willow, I think her purpose is to help people see that every pet is precious – even those who some might call “imperfect.” Willow’s motto could be summed up as, “Play the hand that life dealt you, but never stop hoping for a miracle.”
Willow’s touching story began with her birth last December. Her back legs were badly deformed, and her people said she was born that way. They didn’t even bother to name her – they just called her “Cripple.” Although her siblings all found homes, no one wanted the tiny kitten with a deformity.
That is, until fate intervened and a kindhearted woman named Wendy answered an ad for a free crippled kitten. Wendy felt an immediate bond with the little kitty. She didn’t see a kitten whose deformed legs made it extremely difficult for her to walk. She saw a sweet, cute and loving soul who deserved a chance to have a wonderful life despite her handicap. Wendy took her home and named her Willow, because “a beautiful girl deserves a beautiful name.” As the days turned to months, Wendy’s love for Willow grew, and she came to see her as “the most perfect angel in all the earth.”
Wendy built steps so Willow could get up on the furniture and look out the window. She helped Willow as best as she could, but unless something was done, Willow’s legs could develop ulcerations that might lead to infection. Not wanting her baby to be in pain, Wendy prayed for a miracle – she hoped that a doctor could fix Willow’s legs.
Wendy created a Facebook page for Willow, so she could share her story and make friends with other kitties and cat-loving humans. And the friends came…hundreds and hundreds of them! Willow’s new friends were so touched by her story that they sent her lots of great gifts, and medical supplies to help with her care. They raised money so Willow could see an orthopedic vet, and were heartbroken when the doctor said he couldn’t fix Willow’s legs. But that only spurred them on, and these new friends raised more money so Willow could get a specially made wheelchair.
Willow started learning a new way to walk and a new way of life. It was then that Wendy realized they had received the miracle she’d been praying for – but it wasn’t the wheelchair, and it wasn’t even about Willow’s legs. It was about all the love that came to Willow from people all around the world. It was about the support of thousands of compassionate pet lovers rallying to help one little kitty have a better life.
One should never underestimate the power of social networking sites like Facebook. I’ve witnessed time and again the miraculous things that happen when pet lovers come together for a cause they believe in. Thanks to

Willow has also embraced Facebook, and uses her newfound celebricat status to help other kitties. She posts about kitties that need adopting, or kitties whose human guardians need help with medical bills. There’s even a kitty in Egypt that needs a wheelchair, just like Willow did not so long ago. I’ve no doubt that in the years to come, Willow will pay it forward. She will continue to help those less fortunate pets who need their own miracle, and she’ll inspire other humans to help too.
When I contacted Willow’s Mom for permission to use her photos, I found out she just recently switched to FELIDAE and is very happy with it. “Willow eats the FELIDAE Cat and Kitten Formula, and she loves it,” said Wendy. “I personally think FELIDAE is the best cat food out there, and I want only the best for my Willow! We absolutely love FELIDAE...the ingredient list says it all.”
To learn more about Willow, you can watch her YouTube video, and join her on Facebook.
Read more articles by Julia Williams
famous felines,
Julia Williams
Bedtime Book for Dogs
I love to read. I read a lot. I even read about dogs a lot. But never to my dog. YET!
You might say this omission in my interactions with Kelly is possibly due to lack of appropriate reading material. But now, I can use that excuse no more! Bruce Littlefield has written what I believe is the first book written just for dogs: The Bedtime Book for Dogs.
The story follows the adventures of a pup who decides he'd rather take a walk to the park by himself than wait for his human companion--and discovers that all of his usual activities aren't as much fun without a good friend to share them with. And, in case you think it's simply a cute story about a little dog, there's more to it than that. The book is told with the 20 most common words that dogs can recognize, such as "treat" "squirrel" and "Good dog!"
Check out the book trailer!
I think Kelly would like this book. And I'd love reading it to her, too.
Sweet Dreams!
Pet Health Facts: Omega Fatty Acids
By the Drs4pets Team
Fat is the primary source of energy for your pet. The fats in food are made up of omega fatty acids, important nutrients in your pet’s diet. Not only are certain fatty acids essential for life, they also play critical roles in optimal health and vitality.
All foods contain omega-6 fatty acids. Linoleic acid is one of the omega-6 fatty acids, and is considered an essential nutrient. One of the key roles this fatty acid plays is to maintain the proper moisture balance in the skin’s surface. This is critical for maintaining a barrier between the outside world and the inner workings of the body.
Omega-3 fatty acids come from ingredients such as marine sources (fish oil or fish meal) and also from vegetable or plant sources (flaxseed or algae). While alpha-linolenic acid is the only omega-3 fatty acid that is truly considered to be an essential nutrient, it is likely that others in this important group will make the list soon. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), have been found to be critical for good health. DHA is important for the proper development of cognitive function and vision in young animals, and EPA has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Omega-3 fatty acids can diminish inflammation in the joints, skin and digestive system and may even help fight or prevent cancer.
It is important to feed a pet food that contains a blend of omega fatty acids to support optimal skin and coat condition, proper immune function and to control inflammation throughout the body. Looking at the label for sources of these critical nutrients, as well as checking the Guaranteed Analysis for the guaranteed levels, will help ensure that your pet’s diet contains omega fatty acids for optimal health.
Question: How can I tell if my pet’s food has omega fatty acids?
Answer: Reputable brands will guarantee the levels of omega fatty acids in the guaranteed analysis. Look for words such as omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids or alpha-linolenic acid in the list of nutrient guarantees. This will prove that not only is it in the food, it is guaranteed to be there at a specific amount.
Question: Should I give my dog a fish oil supplement for his dry skin?
Answer: It would be a good idea to check with your veterinarian first. If the food that you are feeding has a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, a supplement may not be beneficial. There may be another explanation for the dry skin. Sometimes, additional supplements can lead to loose stools.
Question: My cat loves tuna fish. Can I feed this to her for the fatty acids?
Answer: It is important to feed a balanced diet to your cat. An occasional treat is ok, but be cautious. Cats can be finicky and may choose treats over their regular food, leading to dietary imbalances and deficiencies.
Photo by Tony
Visit to learn more about pet health, nutrition and safety.
Fat is the primary source of energy for your pet. The fats in food are made up of omega fatty acids, important nutrients in your pet’s diet. Not only are certain fatty acids essential for life, they also play critical roles in optimal health and vitality.
All foods contain omega-6 fatty acids. Linoleic acid is one of the omega-6 fatty acids, and is considered an essential nutrient. One of the key roles this fatty acid plays is to maintain the proper moisture balance in the skin’s surface. This is critical for maintaining a barrier between the outside world and the inner workings of the body.
Omega-3 fatty acids come from ingredients such as marine sources (fish oil or fish meal) and also from vegetable or plant sources (flaxseed or algae). While alpha-linolenic acid is the only omega-3 fatty acid that is truly considered to be an essential nutrient, it is likely that others in this important group will make the list soon. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), have been found to be critical for good health. DHA is important for the proper development of cognitive function and vision in young animals, and EPA has powerful anti-inflammatory effects. Omega-3 fatty acids can diminish inflammation in the joints, skin and digestive system and may even help fight or prevent cancer.
It is important to feed a pet food that contains a blend of omega fatty acids to support optimal skin and coat condition, proper immune function and to control inflammation throughout the body. Looking at the label for sources of these critical nutrients, as well as checking the Guaranteed Analysis for the guaranteed levels, will help ensure that your pet’s diet contains omega fatty acids for optimal health.
Question: How can I tell if my pet’s food has omega fatty acids?
Answer: Reputable brands will guarantee the levels of omega fatty acids in the guaranteed analysis. Look for words such as omega-6 fatty acids, linoleic acid, omega-3 fatty acids or alpha-linolenic acid in the list of nutrient guarantees. This will prove that not only is it in the food, it is guaranteed to be there at a specific amount.
Question: Should I give my dog a fish oil supplement for his dry skin?
Answer: It would be a good idea to check with your veterinarian first. If the food that you are feeding has a balance of omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids, a supplement may not be beneficial. There may be another explanation for the dry skin. Sometimes, additional supplements can lead to loose stools.
Question: My cat loves tuna fish. Can I feed this to her for the fatty acids?
Answer: It is important to feed a balanced diet to your cat. An occasional treat is ok, but be cautious. Cats can be finicky and may choose treats over their regular food, leading to dietary imbalances and deficiencies.
Photo by Tony
Visit to learn more about pet health, nutrition and safety.
canine health,
feline health,
pet food
Mini is Better!
I confess. I'm a Frequent Treater.
Kelly gets a reward for sitting and staying. For coming in from outside. For having her picture taken. Yup, in addition to
praise and love, she gets a lot of treats.
Recently, as we've been dieting together, I've been concerned about the effects of all these goodies. Then I discovered mini treats!
Different brands of dog biscuits come in a variety of sizes. I read somewhere that it doesn't matter what you give them, most dogs are going to chew and swallow in one bite anyway. That's Kelly! So now, I buy her the smallest size treats I can find, many are only 5 to 10 calories a piece. Just check the list of ingredients to make sure they meet the standards you want.
Do you reward with commercial dog cookies, or something else?
Have you found mini treats beneficial for your dog?
Do you demand the same quality ingredients for your dog's treats as you do for his food, or do you allow some wiggle room there? (Like for myself, somehow I will allow myself a less-healthy dessert once in a while, but never eat deep fat fried foods or fatty meats for dinners.)
Kelly gets a reward for sitting and staying. For coming in from outside. For having her picture taken. Yup, in addition to

Recently, as we've been dieting together, I've been concerned about the effects of all these goodies. Then I discovered mini treats!
Different brands of dog biscuits come in a variety of sizes. I read somewhere that it doesn't matter what you give them, most dogs are going to chew and swallow in one bite anyway. That's Kelly! So now, I buy her the smallest size treats I can find, many are only 5 to 10 calories a piece. Just check the list of ingredients to make sure they meet the standards you want.
Do you reward with commercial dog cookies, or something else?
Have you found mini treats beneficial for your dog?
Do you demand the same quality ingredients for your dog's treats as you do for his food, or do you allow some wiggle room there? (Like for myself, somehow I will allow myself a less-healthy dessert once in a while, but never eat deep fat fried foods or fatty meats for dinners.)
dog food,
dog training,
dog treats,
Cat Versus Dog: Which One Makes the Best Pet?
By Julia Williams
Pet owners often engage in friendly – and sometimes not-so-friendly – discussions on whether cats make better pets than dogs, or vice versa. While there are quite a few pet owners who love both cats and dogs equally, others are adamant in their stance that one species is better than the other. Where we stand in the great ‘cat versus dog debate’ is often a result of which pet we had growing up, or a particular experience we had with one, either positive or negative. Sometimes a preference emerges for no apparent reason; it just is, and it’s how we’ve always felt.
Over the years I’ve been a pet mom to a dozen cats. I like dogs too but have only shared my home with one, so my experience with them is more limited. However, just because my BFF’s have always been cats doesn’t automatically mean I think cats make better pets than dogs. The relationships are different, not necessarily better. Nonetheless, for the sake of the debate I’ve come up with a few reasons why one might want a cat instead of a dog. Don’t think I’m bashing dogs though, because I’m really not. Rather, this is just my attempt at humor.
The Cleanliness Factor
Dogs need to be bathed regularly and even then, many breeds have a distinct ‘eau de dog’ shortly after getting squeaky clean. Cats win this category paws down because they are remarkably self cleaning. My cats wash themselves after every FELIDAE feeding frenzy, in between mealtimes, and pretty much every waking hour. Bathing a cat is rarely necessary, which is a good thing because it’s not exactly easy to do without getting shredded.
Physical Activity
All dogs need regular exercise. Some breeds can get by with a short daily walk or play session in the backyard, but others need more physical activity than this, which can be challenging if you’re more ‘couch potato’ than marathon runner. Cats need regular exercise too, but you don’t need to brave the chill of winter to help them burn off their kibble calories. A drawer-full of cheap cat toys is all you need!
Big dogs eat mountains of food, and even some small dog breeds put away more kibble than most cats do. Dogs need bigger pet beds than kitties do, and most felines prefer a cardboard box over a cushy pet bed anyway, so you might as well not buy one. There are typically more supplies to buy for dogs too, such as crates, leashes, harnesses, rain booties, and sweaters for those short-haired or hairless breeds. Cats don’t need to wear sweaters and most will claw you into itty bitty pieces if you’re foolish enough to even think about putting one on them. Same for the harness and leash…just don’t go there!
There’s a big difference in the time and effort required to train dogs versus cats. For cats, training generally consists of showing them where their litter box is kept, and keeping a spray bottle of water handy to discourage counter surfing. Dogs need rules and guidance to become canine good citizens who will follow your basic commands at home, at the dog park and on walks.
Barking Versus Meowing
A bored dog left alone all day tends to engage in excessive barking, which can really get annoying when you live next door. It’s certainly not the dog’s fault, but that doesn’t make the barking any less irritating. Conversely, have you ever heard someone complain because the neighbor’s cat meowed all day while they were away? Nope, me neither! If you’re gone a lot, a cat is definitely the better pet because they sleep all day anyway.
The Palate
It’s no secret that dogs view the things they find in garbage cans, the cat’s litter box and their backyard as tasty tidbits. Yep, dogs eat rotten food and poop, and they like to roll in the stinky stuff too. When have you ever seen a cat do that? Enough said.
I’m sure I could come up with just as many reasons why dogs make better pets than cats… but I won’t because that would mean I’d have to relinquish my lifetime membership in the Crazy Cat Lady club, and the tacky cat plaque that came with it. And you know, I’ve actually grown quite fond of that ugly thing.
Photo by Dixie Wells
Read more articles by Julia Williams
Pet owners often engage in friendly – and sometimes not-so-friendly – discussions on whether cats make better pets than dogs, or vice versa. While there are quite a few pet owners who love both cats and dogs equally, others are adamant in their stance that one species is better than the other. Where we stand in the great ‘cat versus dog debate’ is often a result of which pet we had growing up, or a particular experience we had with one, either positive or negative. Sometimes a preference emerges for no apparent reason; it just is, and it’s how we’ve always felt.
Over the years I’ve been a pet mom to a dozen cats. I like dogs too but have only shared my home with one, so my experience with them is more limited. However, just because my BFF’s have always been cats doesn’t automatically mean I think cats make better pets than dogs. The relationships are different, not necessarily better. Nonetheless, for the sake of the debate I’ve come up with a few reasons why one might want a cat instead of a dog. Don’t think I’m bashing dogs though, because I’m really not. Rather, this is just my attempt at humor.
The Cleanliness Factor
Dogs need to be bathed regularly and even then, many breeds have a distinct ‘eau de dog’ shortly after getting squeaky clean. Cats win this category paws down because they are remarkably self cleaning. My cats wash themselves after every FELIDAE feeding frenzy, in between mealtimes, and pretty much every waking hour. Bathing a cat is rarely necessary, which is a good thing because it’s not exactly easy to do without getting shredded.
Physical Activity
All dogs need regular exercise. Some breeds can get by with a short daily walk or play session in the backyard, but others need more physical activity than this, which can be challenging if you’re more ‘couch potato’ than marathon runner. Cats need regular exercise too, but you don’t need to brave the chill of winter to help them burn off their kibble calories. A drawer-full of cheap cat toys is all you need!
Big dogs eat mountains of food, and even some small dog breeds put away more kibble than most cats do. Dogs need bigger pet beds than kitties do, and most felines prefer a cardboard box over a cushy pet bed anyway, so you might as well not buy one. There are typically more supplies to buy for dogs too, such as crates, leashes, harnesses, rain booties, and sweaters for those short-haired or hairless breeds. Cats don’t need to wear sweaters and most will claw you into itty bitty pieces if you’re foolish enough to even think about putting one on them. Same for the harness and leash…just don’t go there!
There’s a big difference in the time and effort required to train dogs versus cats. For cats, training generally consists of showing them where their litter box is kept, and keeping a spray bottle of water handy to discourage counter surfing. Dogs need rules and guidance to become canine good citizens who will follow your basic commands at home, at the dog park and on walks.
Barking Versus Meowing
A bored dog left alone all day tends to engage in excessive barking, which can really get annoying when you live next door. It’s certainly not the dog’s fault, but that doesn’t make the barking any less irritating. Conversely, have you ever heard someone complain because the neighbor’s cat meowed all day while they were away? Nope, me neither! If you’re gone a lot, a cat is definitely the better pet because they sleep all day anyway.
The Palate
It’s no secret that dogs view the things they find in garbage cans, the cat’s litter box and their backyard as tasty tidbits. Yep, dogs eat rotten food and poop, and they like to roll in the stinky stuff too. When have you ever seen a cat do that? Enough said.
I’m sure I could come up with just as many reasons why dogs make better pets than cats… but I won’t because that would mean I’d have to relinquish my lifetime membership in the Crazy Cat Lady club, and the tacky cat plaque that came with it. And you know, I’ve actually grown quite fond of that ugly thing.
Photo by Dixie Wells
Read more articles by Julia Williams
Crazy Cat Lady,
Julia Williams,
pet humor,
Wednesday Pet Roundup

* Mashable shares that, in the UK, 1 in 10 pets have a social networking profile. Judging by how many dogs and cats I have as friends, I'd say that figure is the same or more here in the U.S.
* A hawk snatched a cat from a NYC backyard, but dropped him 50 feet away. What saved the cat? His extra pounds. According to the Daily News, his owner says "The moral of the story is, your flaws can be an asset. In Eddie's case, his chubbiness saved him."
* From Life with Dogs, here's a bulldog who took an SUV on a joyride!
* From CBS News, a Florida couple is found guilty in the case of the pet python that killed 2 yr old daughter. They were charged with third degree murder, manslaughter and child neglect. Defense argues that they are only guilty of "stupidity." I'd go with both.
hawk snatches cat,
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