Contrary to popular belief, I dread writing a bio. In fact, I even enlisted the assistance of a friend to create the one you see all over the internet. But, I’m going to give this a shot in a traditional “blogging” sort of way.
Obviously, I love animals. From wanting to marry Rudolph (the reindeer, not Valentino) when I was four years old, to living with 18 cats, a turtle, 200 gallons of fish, 2 dogs and a wolf/coyote hybrid, you won’t find many photos of me without an animal. Fortunately, I have an amazing and very understanding husband (not a reindeer) who loves animals as much as I do.
My fascination with all things wild led to three possible careers: that of a veterinarian, a biologist or a writer. Since I doubt I could put a pet to sleep, and I'm terrible at math, I chose to be a writer. And so far, that has been the path of least resistance.
I am the founder of PetsWeekly, a website that features reviews of the best new pet products on the market, and just about everything you ever wanted to know about animals. I am also the author of several books, including Conquering the Food Chain: Living Amongst Animals (Without Becoming One). This book and others I’ve written are available in Barnes & Noble bookstores nationwide, or online at Amazon. My stories, articles and reviews can be found in such print publications as Pacific Yachting, Cat Fancy, The Arabian Horse Times, Jackson Parents Magazine and many others. I am active with feral cat Trap, Neuter and Release (TNR) programs nationwide, wildlife preservation and the rescue of many different animals, including wolf hybrids when they are located. I belong to a number of associations within the pet care industry, and regularly attend trade shows, activities and events.
As I’m also a strong advocate of early learning and the benefits of educating children in humane practices, my business partner and I began the company GrokQuest. We publish educational activity books for younger children. We have a number of titles within several different industries, including the pet care world. Those titles are “So, You Have A New Kitten!” and “So, You Have A New Puppy!”.
Currently, I am staying way too busy as a fulltime freelance writer, owner of PetsWeekly, and attending school in pursuit of my MBA (only a few months left!). If any of you are active in the social networking zoo, I hope you will add me as a friend at PetsWeekly, Twitter, LinkedIn and MySpace.