One more time!! Pepsi Refresh Update!

Greetings, Blog Readers!  Well, the April Pepsi Refresh contest is over and we didn't win. The good news, however, is that because we are one of the top 100 projects, we were asked to participate for another month. After lots of consideration and floating some new ideas for getting more votes, we have decided to go for it! Would you keep voting for us this month? We have moved from 71st to 26th since May 1st, so it's looks like we are gaining ground faster than last month. We are in it to win, so we are not holding back when it comes to asking for votes. Your vote counts! Remember, voting is easy--just go to this link: Be sure you click on "sign in" if you are already registered or "Join Pepsi Refresh' if you need to sign up. Make sure the "vote for this project" disappears after you vote to make sure voting is complete! We so appreciate your support for Pet Peace of Mind. I will have more stories, soon....we have 11 programs up and running now all over the country!