I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Reporting on our diet, I did have too much to eat (yum!) but the good news: I had only one small slice of pumpkin pie. Given my sweet tooth that's an accomplishment. And I do plan to double up on the exercise. Kelly received a treat in her doggy bowl, but it was only turkey scraps...no gravy! yay!
Speaking of dogs, after the parade we often watch parts of the National Dog Show in Philadelphia. I love seeing the different beautifully groomed breeds strut around the ring. This year, I couldn't help smile at what wins my vote for a "best in show moment." An adorable 7 month old Shih Tzu was being shown for the first time. Handlers are supposed to walk their dog away from the judge, take a little spin around the ring, and return to the judge so that he can observe the dog's structure and carriage in motion. Well, this cutie didn't want any part of it. Instead of walking along, she just plopped down with her head between her little paws and refused to budge. Dog shows are very formal, but everyone burst out laughing. I was happy to see that even the judge smiled, seemingly charmed by the pup. He finally instructed the poor handler, who was tempting the dog with liver and every trick she had up her sleeve, to pick up the dog and carry her out of the ring. The handler smiled and gave the puppy a kiss. Here is the video clip from NBC sports.