Happy Thanksgiving!
Pies, pies, pies, pies! Every year I get myself practically sick on seconds and thirds of ooey gooey syrupy pecan pie. So, as a measure of preventative action, I asked my mother-in-law not to make pecan pie this year. Perhaps she could whip up a nice rhubarb pie, or mincemeat--two options that wouldn't tempt me in the least.
In keeping with her diet, I'll also have to remember not to pour gravy over Kelly's dry dog food. (C'mon, tell me you haven't done this too!)
Things I'm thankful for:
My family
Good health and compassionate medical professionals to take care of us
Praying friends
Cell phones--I'm serious. I feel so thankful that I can keep in touch with my daughter and still feel like a part of her life, even though she's far away. And to know that Andy, in college, can get in touch with me any time he needs. It's such a comfort and yes, a blessing.
Books and a fleece blanket to curl up with
If you're wondering, Kelly was included up in "family"
Warmth--both physical and emotional
Green--my favorite color. Green grass, trees, mountains, Vermont, and Granny Smith apples
Baseball. I know it's a football day, but mine is a baseball family. The only hitch is that Mike is a Red Sox fan and Andy is a Yankees fan, and they're both very passionate about their teams. I refuse to play favorites.
Pecan pie. Maybe my mother-in-law will ignore my request and make it anyway.
p.s. The picture is not of Thanksgiving, but one of the tables at Kate's wedding reception. We had an elegant English tea theme. I think it came out rather pretty.