On a recent trip to my local fish store, we came across what was labeled a "Teacup Stingray." It was by far a different, unique and fun fish to watch. But, as I often say, it is important to do your research before buying any new fish.
As it turns out, this little teacup stingray, which was only about 6 inches in diameter, grow to over a foot in diameter and need at least 125 gallon of water to swim around.
They tend to be a peaceful species, but will eat any fish smaller then its mouth, and has a barbel with venom. Although the venom usually won't kill a person in these small species, it can cause extreme pain and needs to be dealt with immediately. Therefore, it is important to use gloves when doing any water changes or any time sticking your hand in the tank. In addition, being a peaceful species, they aren't good with aggressive fish in their community.
A lively bottom-dweller, this fish does well with a smooth, soft substrate. They enjoy meaty foods such as blackworms, bloodworms, earthworms, krill, and beef heart. Some people even feed them raw shrimp from the supermarket.
These fish are sensitive to water-quality, so it's important to keep an eye on the your tank. Also, there are several states that ban home aquarium keepers from having a stingray.