Meet Charlie, best friend of Sarah, from Vermont!
Charlie is a would-be supermodel with his long, long legs. But really he's a 4 1/2 year old Rotweiller-mix.
As you can see, Charlie loves the Vermont outdoors. He loves to run, hike, and jump off of docks and swim.
His favorite toy is a blue rubber bone that smells like mint, and it is one of the few toys he cannot destroy. His goal in life is to eat everything and destroy everything possible!
Sarah says, "He pretty much never gets punished because he is so cute and is the most perfect boy ever!"

What I Learned From Sarah's Dog: Looking at Charlie, I'm reminded to get out and enjoy the great outdoors. Looks like Charlie does! I'm a native Vermonter myself, and love the beautiful Green Mountains. But even though I live in the city now, I can find nature's beauty in parks, on drives into the country, in window boxes, in cracks along the sidewalks, and even around the houses and buildings in my neighborhood. Thanks, Charlie!