In the past, we hadn't been successful in having Kelly groomed. She was anxious and frightened by the noises, and hated being left alone in the grooming shop.
Then, enter Melissa from TransFURmations. She not only transFURmed Kelly, but also transFURmed our grooming experience!
Melissa pulled into the driveway with her fully-loaded mobile grooming van. She made friends with Kelly, earned her trust and ours, and did a fantastic job.

But first-- the before pictures. Kelly has long, messy hair but we're blessed that it is soft and silky, and rarely gets matted. Still, she looks like a forest beast! And, in the summer, that fur coat gets uncomfortably hot. I try to keep up with it on my own as best I can, but it was time for a professional. An appointment was made. Melissa agreed to let us bathe Kelly at home, which helped alleviate the stress of the unfamiliar tub and the noise of the blow dryer.
Come back tomorrow for : The Bath
What I Learned from My Dog: Sometimes we're fearful of things that others seem to handle effortlessly. When I feel anxiety about some new thing, I try to find alternate ways to deal with the situation. Like Kelly, I can learn to tolerate unfamiliar and uncomfortable encounters, especially if others around me are understanding.