Do you have old towels, blankets or rugs you could donate to provide comfortable bedding for a shelter pet? Leashes, collars, toys, treats are also welcome. In addition, newspapers, bleach and pet food coupons are among the items requested by shelters for the "Presents 4 Pets" program.
Sponsored by The National Association of Professional Pet Sitters (NAPPS) “Presents 4 Pets” collection drive will benefit animal shelters for the fourth year now. According to the organizations' website, the goal is "To benefit local animal shelters and foster organizations by collecting and donating pet supplies to ease the financial strain these organizations and their volunteer’s experience. Additional goals include improving the quality of life for shelter animals, increasing their opportunities for adoption and recruiting foster homes for local needy pets."
To donate, contact a NAPPS pet sitter in your area. Or, by making a purchase online at, a percentage of your purchase will be contributed to the campaign.
Other items on the wish list are:
crate fans
dog and cat food
cat travel carriers
dog beds
kitty igloos
scratching posts
kitty litter, scoops, etc.
pee pads
pet shampoos