They're the latest pet craze in the UK. But do they make good pets?
Seen yesterday on the Today Show, Englander Jane Croft showed off her miniature porcine pals to Meredith Vieira and Ann Curry.
At birth, the piglets weigh about 9 ounces. Full grown, they are only 65 lbs, about the size of a Border Collie or English Bulldog.
Here are some reasons why these tiny piggies make good pets.
Teacup Pigs are:
1. Intelligent
2. Clean
3. Love attention
4. Can be litter box trained
5. non-allergenic
Keep in mind these drawbacks:
Teacup Pigs are:
1. Expensive ($1,000 or more)
2. Happiest with company. Croft only sells her piglets in pairs.
3. Considered livestock. In England, owners must be licensed to keep livestock.
4. Not currently available in the United States. But, never fear, it's only a matter of time!
I'd like to get one, but first I need to know if they get along well with dogs. After seeing this adorable video, I think yes!