If you're looking for a dog-friendly car that is also fuel-efficient, here's good news. The Petconnection blog
"The Ford hybrid triplets of the Ford Escape, Mazda Tribute and Mercury Mariner all rate multiple paws in reviews on DogCars.com, our website that puts dog-lovers in the driver's seat when shopping for a new canine carrier."
My friend is in the middle of relocating, and wonders how to make the situation easier on her Golden Retriever. Moving can be stressful on a pet, but Pawluxury blog offers these tips on ways to ease the transition. Some suggestions are walking your dog through the neighborhood to get him acquainted with the smells, and waiting to move your dog in until your furniture and familiar possessions are in place.
I've heard this advice before, and even though my neighborhood is full of outdoor cats, never really thought about it until now: be sure there isn't a cat snuggled up under the hood of your car before you start your engine! The problem is created when cats attempt to get out of the chilly weather by squeezing under the hood of a car to get close to the engine's warmth. As reported in the New York Daily News, this white and orange tabby survived a two-mile ride under the hood of an SUV. The driver investigated after hearing strange noises, and the cat was soon freed and found to be in good shape. According to Petfinders blog, always bang on the hood before getting in your car, and then honk the horn before turning the key.