Dieting with My Dog--My First Models

The book is written, the contract with a publisher signed, and the release date set (this August!) But my work isn't done. Now I am spending time on the promotional material needed to get the word out and let people know when Dieting with My Dog hits the shelves! One step is to create a video book trailer-- a teaser; to give you a flavor for the book. Just like a movie trailer, but for a book.

I'm keeping secret the exact details of the trailer, but I'll be so excited to share the finished product with you when it's ready! One thing I will tell you: for my video book trailer, I need a lot of different dogs. We just set out filming our first group of dogs, and they were amazing. You might even recognize one or two of them! I can't thank the participants enough, each dog is a superstar to me. Check them out! (above is foster dog Rockette.)


Maggie Mae

Levi Mac


The moms with the kids.

Me with the models. Thank you superstars!