Sometimes I'm sent products to review, and if I think they're products that might help other pet people, I like to share my findings. So when the good folks at NOse Offense offered to send me a bottle of their pet odor neutralizing product, I agreed to give it a try.
When my house has a doggy odor, my family and I might not notice, Kelly probably likes it, but guests might sniff something less than flowery in the air. Like many of you, I look for gentle cleansers and avoid air fresheners that might be harsh or even toxic.
NOse Offense says that their product is:
*fragrance free.
*natural and organic.
*100% free of enzymes, alcohol, phosphates, phenol or phenol derivatives.
*plant based-- the active ingredient is made from the mature Castor Bean plant.
*green--dedicated to using recyclable packaging and bottle.
I tried NOse Offense; the product was easy to use and effective. I noticed no heavy perfume or cover-up fragrance. Hey, I'm all for a natural product that can help eliminate problem pet odors. If you're interested in learning more, check out NOse Offense.