*Pet Connection today has tips on protecting your dog from the big chill.
* Do you brush your dog/cat's teeth? Do they like it? February is Pet Dental Health Month.
* For pets that sneak out under the fence, get loose, or have a knack for slipping out an open door...EzineMark.com reports about a GPS device that can track your pets.
* Now for a smile. Life with Dogs brings us this Corgi tether ball match.
* I wasn't going to include this, but I'm so outraged and upset. A parasailing company in Russia decided to advertise by--- attaching a pet donkey to a parachute and pulling her through the air by speedboat. People below heard the donkey's frightened braying. She survived initially, but after her terrifying ordeal, the donkey died of a heart attack, alledgedly due to the stress of the stunt. What were these people thinking?? I want to cry.
(pssssst--- Check back Friday for our Valentine's Day giveaway contest!)