The world’s rarest birds through caught on camera

The winners of The World's Rarest Birds international photo competition have just been announced. The competition, launched in 2010, aimed to secure images of the 566 most threatened birds on Earth for a new book highlighting their plight.

Thousands of images were entered into the competition and hundreds will be featured in The World's Rarest Birds to be published in 2012 by the ethical publishing company WILDGuides. Profits from sales will go to BirdLife International's Preventing Extinctions Programme to help support conservation projects worldwide.

The winner in the "Endangered (372) or Data Deficient (62) species"
is Quan MinLi: a beautiful photo of a flying Asian Crested Ibis from China.

Asian Crested Ibis (ENDANGERED)
A medium-sized water bird that once bred in Russia, Japan and China but underwent a major population crash. It is now restricted to Shaanxi province in central mainland China, where just 250 individuals survive.

PHOTO: Quan MinLi
